来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/6/20 15:41:35
可循环的食品包装用薄膜 |《自然-通讯》

论文标题:High gas barrier coating using non-toxic nanosheet dispersions for flexible food packaging film

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Jingfang Yu, Kanittika Ruengkajorn, Dana-Georgiana Crivoi, Chunping Chen, Jean-Charles Buffet, Dermot O’Hare


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-10362-2

原文链接: http://t.cn/AiNSYT1U


《自然-通讯》发表的一篇论文High gas barrier coating using non-toxic nanosheet dispersions for flexible food packaging film报道了一种完全可循环的透明薄膜,可用以取代食品包装用的金属涂层。这种薄膜采用的是一种环保制造工艺,比食品包装行业目前所使用的一些材料更容易循环利用。


图1 包含层状双氢氧化物的薄膜结构。图源:Yu

英国牛津大学的Dermot O’Hare及同事生产出了一种可循环的环保薄膜,它可以替代目前食品包装中所使用的金属涂层,同时能为食品提供类似级别的防护。作者合成的这种薄膜由层状双氢氧化物(一种无机材料)组成,生产工艺既便宜又绿色环保,所需材料是水和氨基酸。所得薄膜呈透明色,像金属涂层一样可以隔绝氧气和水蒸汽,同时较为结实。由于这种薄膜是合成的,因此其成分完全可控,从而提高了它们与食品接触时的安全性。


摘要:One of the major challenges in the circular economy relating to food packaging is the elimination of metallised film which is currently the industry standard approach to achieve the necessary gas barrier performance. Here, we report the synthesis of high aspect ratio 2D non-toxic layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanosheet dispersions using a non-toxic exfoliation method in aqueous amino acid solution. High O2and water vapour barrier coating films can be prepared using food safe liquid dispersions through a bar coating process. The oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of 12 μm PET coated film can be reduced from 133.5 cc•m−2•day−1 to below the instrument detection limit (<0.005 cc•m−2•day−1). The water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) of the PET film can be reduced from 8.99 g•m−2•day−1 to 0.04 g•m−2•day−1 after coating. Most importantly, these coated films are also transparent and mechanically robust, making them suitable for flexible food packing while also offering new recycling opportunities.

阅读论文全文请访问: http://t.cn/AiNSYT1U

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