来源:Infectious Diseases of Poverty 发布时间:2019/4/2 11:45:04
减轻治疗结核的经济负担:新的筹资支付模式为何难以起效? | Infectious Diseases of Poverty

论文标题:Impact of an innovative financing and payment model on tuberculosis patients’ financial burden: is tuberculosis care more affordable for the poor?

期刊:Infectious Diseases of Poverty

作者:Wei-Xi Jiang, Qian Long, Henry Lucas, Di Dong, Jia-Ying Chen, Li Xiang, Qiang Li, Fei Huang, Hong Wang, Chris Elbers, Frank Cobelens and Sheng-Lan Tang






在今年的世界防治结核病日,Infectious Diseases of Poverty 发表的文章以定量和定性相结合的方式,详细分析了以提高结核患者的医保报销比例,并实施按病种付费的支付方式为主要干预措施的新型筹资支付方式对普通结核患者,特别是对贫困患者经济负担的影响。



在减轻结核患者经济负担的研究领域,Infectious Diseases of Poverty 最近发表了一篇文章,以定量和定性相结合的方式,详细分析了以提高结核患者的医保报销比例、实施按病种付费的支付方式为主要干预措施的新型筹资支付方式对普通结核患者,特别是对贫困患者经济负担的影响。研究者在新筹资支付模型实施前后开展了面向普通结核患者的问卷调查以及针对患者和医务人员的定性访谈,发现新模型实施后患者人均自付医疗费用不减反增,而且最贫困的患者自付医疗费用和发生灾难性支出的概率增长的百分比显著高于最富裕的患者。





In response to the high financial burden of health services facing tuberculosis (TB) patients in China, the China-Gates TB project, Phase II, has implemented a new financing and payment model as an important component of the overall project in three cities in eastern, central and western China. The model focuses on increasing the reimbursement rate for TB patients and reforming provider payment methods by replacing fee-for-service with a case-based payment approach. This study investigated changes in out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditure and the financial burden on TB patients before and after the interventions, with a focus on potential differential impacts on patients from different income groups.


Three sample counties in each of the three prefectures: Zhenjiang, Yichang and Hanzhong were chosen as study sites. TB patients who started and completed treatment before, and during the intervention period, were randomly sampled and surveyed at the baseline in 2013 and final evaluation in 2015 respectively. OOP health expenditure and percentage of patients incurring catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) were calculated for different income groups. OLS regression and logit regression were conducted to explore the intervention’s impacts on patient OOP health expenditure and financial burden after adjusting for other covariates. Key-informant interviews and focus group discussions were conducted to understand the reasons for any observed changes.


Data from 738 (baseline) and 735 (evaluation) patients were available for analysis. Patient mean OOP health expenditure increased from RMB 3576 to RMB 5791, and the percentage of patients incurring CHE also increased after intervention. The percentage increase in OOP health expenditure and the likelihood of incurring CHE were significantly lower for patients from the highest income group as compared to the lowest. Qualitative findings indicated that increased use of health services not covered by the standard package of the model was likely to have caused the increase in financial burden.


The implementation of the new financing and payment model did not protect patients, especially those from the lowest income group, from financial difficulty, due partly to their increased use of health service. More financial resources should be mobilized to increase financial protection, particularly for poor patients, while cost containment strategies need to be developed and effectively implemented to improve the effective coverage of essential healthcare in China.




Infectious Diseases of Poverty(https://idpjournal.biomedcentral.com/, 2.708 - 2-year Impact Factor, 3.126 - 5-year Impact Factor) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing topic areas and methods that address essential public health questions relating to infectious diseases of poverty. These include various aspects of the biology of pathogens and vectors, diagnosis and detection, treatment and case management, epidemiology and modeling, zoonotic hosts and animal reservoirs, control strategies and implementation, new technologies and application. Transdisciplinary or multisectoral effects on health systems, ecohealth, environmental management, and innovative technology are also considered.


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