论文标题:Television viewing and cognitive decline in older age: fndings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
期刊:Scientific Reports
作者:Daisy Fancourt, Andrew Steptoe
数字识别码: 10.1038/s41598-019-39354-4
根据《科学报告》发表的一项研究Television viewing and cognitive decline in older age: fndings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing,在50岁及以上的成年人中,每天收看电视超过3.5个小时可能与言语记忆力下降相关。
图1 图源:Pixabay
英国伦敦大学学院的Daisy Fancourt和Andrew Steptoe调查了收看电视是否与六年后的言语记忆力下降相关。研究人员采用的数据来自英国老龄化纵向研究(English Longitudinal Study of Aging),这是英国的一项针对50岁及以上成年人的全国性研究,涉及3,662名参与者。他们发现,每天收看电视超过3.5个小时与六年后言语记忆力下降相关。这种关联似乎与久坐的时间无关。之前的大部分研究将收看电视视为久坐不动行为的代表。
图2:回归系数显示看电视和认知之间的纵向关联。图源:Daisy Fancourt & Andrew Steptoe
摘要:There has been significant interest in the effects of television on cognition in children, but much less research has been carried out into the effects in older adults. This study aimed to explore whether television viewing behaviours in adults aged 50 or over are associated with a decline in cognition. Using data from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging involving 3,662 adults aged 50+, we used multivariate linear regression models to explore longitudinal associations between baseline television watching (2008/2009) and cognition 6 years later (2014/2015) while controlling for demographic factors, socio-economic status, depression, physical health, health behaviours and a range of other sedentary behaviours. Watching television for more than 3.5 hours per day is associated with a dose-response decline in verbal memory over the following six years, independent of confounding variables. These results are found in particular amongst those with better cognition at baseline and are robust to a range of sensitivity analyses exploring reverse causality, differential non-response and stability of television viewing. Watching television is not longitudinally associated with changes in semantic fluency. Overall our results provide preliminary data to suggest that television viewing for more than 3.5 hours per day is related to cognitive decline.
期刊介绍:Scientific Reports (https://www.nature.com/srep/) is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.
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