作者:Z. L. Steel, B. Campos et.al 来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/12/19 9:25:36
野火或对森林蝙蝠有益 |《科学报告》

论文标题:The effects of wildfire severity and pyrodiversity on bat occupancy and diversity in fire-suppressed forests

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Z. L. Steel, B. Campos et.al




《科学报告》发表的一项研究The effects of wildfire severity and pyrodiversity on bat occupancy and diversity in fire-suppressed forests显示,蝙蝠对内华达山脉的野火具有不尽相同但较为积极的响应。研究结果或有助于提升火灾频繁林区的蝙蝠保育和管理策略。


图片来源:Michael Durham,Minden Pictures, Bat Conservation International


为了研究内华达森林野火严重程度和火场多样性对蝙蝠群落的影响,美国加州大学戴维斯分校的Zachary Steel和同事监测了2014-2017年间的蝙蝠种群。作者发现,在该区域常见的17种蝙蝠中,6种蝙蝠的占有率随火烧严重度的增加而增加,包括大棕蝠、长耳鼠耳蝠和墨西哥无尾蝙蝠,只有小足蝠的占有率降低了。在火场多样性更大的区域,有3个物种的占有率有所增加。研究人员探测到的不同物种总数(物种丰富度)从未过火林地的8种增加至火烧严重度中高区域的11种。


摘要:Wildfire is an important ecological process that influences species’ occurrence and biodiversity generally. Its effect on bats is understudied, creating challenges for habitat management and species conservation as threats to the taxa worsen globally and within fire-prone ecosystems. We conducted acoustic surveys of wildfire areas during 2014–2017 in conifer forests of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains. We tested effects of burn severity and its variation, or pyrodiversity, on occupancy and diversity for the 17-species bat community while accounting for imperfect detection. Occupancy rates increased with severity for at least 6 species and with pyrodiversity for at least 3. Two other species responded negatively to pyrodiversity. Individual species models predicted maximum occupancy rates across burn severity levels but only one species occurred most often in undisturbed areas. Species richness increased from approximately 8 species in unburned forests to 11 in pyrodiverse areas with moderate- to high-severity. Greater accessibility of foraging habitats, as well as increased habitat heterogeneity may explain positive responses to wildfire. Many bat species appear well adapted to wildfire, while a century of fire suppression and forest densification likely reduced habitat quality for the community generally. Relative to other taxa, bats may be somewhat resilient to increases in fire severity and size; trends which are expected to continue with accelerating climate change.


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