论文标题:Breakdown in the directional transport of droplets on the peristome of pitcher plants
期刊:Communications Physics
作者:Jiaqian Li, Huanxi Zheng, Zhengbao Yang & Zuankai Wang
液体定向自驱动在微流体、传热传质、打印、油水分离、水收集、润滑和医疗等领域都有重要的应用。常规的液体单向驱动需要通过外界能量的输入来打破液体铺展的对称性和克服结构瑕疵。自然界中存在许多动植物,比如猪笼草、仙人掌、沙漠甲虫和蜥蜴,他们可以巧妙地依靠自身表面的微结构来控制液滴的定向运动,从而在恶劣环境下生存。2016年,北京航空航天大学和中国科学院理化所在Nature上发表文章,揭示猪笼草口缘区液体定向搬运的奇特现象,并证明该现象源于猪笼草口缘区表面独特的微纳结构——楔形微孔组成沟槽。受这一重要工作启发,最近香港城市大学机械工程系王钻开教授研究组发现猪笼草口缘区的单向液体传输行为(二极管效应)不仅取决于拓扑结构本身,也取决于液体的多尺度效应以及液体的动态行为。相关研究成果于2018年7月发表在期刊《通讯-物理学》,论文(Breakdown in the directional transport of droplets on the peristome of pitcher plants)第一作者是香港城市大学机械工程系博士生李加乾,通讯作者是香港城市大学王钻开教授。王钻开教授团队一直致力于仿生拓扑机械系统的研究,过去四年间在Nature/Science系列期刊上发表了9篇论文。
另外,作者也发现液体的自驱动二极管行为也取决于液滴的大小以及动态行为。研究表明,自然界中存在不同形式的水滴,比如雨、雾、露,并不是所有的水滴都能在猪笼草口缘区单向运输。清晨冷凝的纳米露水在楔形微孔内积聚,没有明显的单向传输行为;微米尺度的雾滴,占据楔形微孔及小沟槽结构,会沿着小沟槽单向传输;毫米尺度的雨滴,跨越一个或多个大沟槽,大沟槽的结构梯度开始起作用,限制液滴纵向铺展,促进液滴向口缘区外部传输。对于毫米尺度的雨滴,作者发现速度较快的大液滴会同时铺展到口缘区的内外边缘,打破其单向传输功能 (图2左上区域);速度较慢的小液滴则可以在口缘区单向传输(图2右下区域)。通过建立液滴动能和结构扎钉能量理论分析,印证了猪笼草口缘区液体单向传输行为。
摘要:Over the centuries, scientists and engineers have been fascinated by the directional transport of water on the peristome of pitcher plant. Through experimental investigation and theoretical analysis, here we reveal the more complex picture of droplet transport on this peculiar natural surface. First, we demonstrate that in addition to the presence of the asymmetric arch-shaped microcavity with gradient wedge corners and sharp edges, the structural gradient in the first-tier microgroove of the pitcher’s peristome also plays an important role in the regulation of the directional droplet transport. Moreover, the directional liquid transport only occurs in a limited condition. Without the intricate control of the interplay between its multiscale structures and multiscale sources of water, as well as the dynamic conditions of water, the preferential directional droplet transport will collapse. The new transport phenomenon and the mechanisms we reveal will provide important insights for the design of asymmetric morphologies for droplet manipulation.
期刊介绍:Communications Physics (https://www.nature.com/commsphys/) is an open access journal from Nature Research publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary in all areas of physics. Research papers published by the journal represent significant advances bringing new insight to a specialized area of research.