作者:Andrew R. Barron et al 来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2018/7/27 13:44:45

论文标题:Easily Regenerated Readily Deployable Absorbent for Heavy Metal Removal from Contaminated Water

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Andrew R. Barron et al

发表时间: 2017/07/27



《科学报告》发表的文章Easily Regenerated Readily Deployable Absorbent for Heavy Metal Removal from Contaminated Water展示了一种可用于解决水体重金属污染问题的可再生负载型环氧化碳纳米管吸附剂。

干净而丰富的水资源是社会繁荣的重要基石,然而,不断增长的社会发展需求和变化无常的气候正在耗尽来自河流和地表含水层中的水资源。与此同时,这些水源的质量也时刻受到有害污染物的威胁,其中重金属污染受到越来越多的关注。最近,有学者提出氧化石墨烯(graphene oxide)可作为吸附剂用于治理水体,但这种方式需要固定相,同时还要保持高的比表面积。

在本篇文章中,来自美国莱斯大学的Andrew R. Barron及其团队通过使多壁碳纳米管在石英基底上生长的方法来制备并表征了负载型环氧化碳纳米管(SENT)。环氧化过程的引入为这种碳纳米管提供了足够的功能特性,使得其能够对初始浓度为60-6000 ppm范围内的模拟工业废水中的多种重金属离子(Cd2+,Co2+,Cu2+,Hg2+,Ni2+和Pb2+)进行吸附。 该研究结果显示,SENT对于上述离子的吸附效率> 99.4%,吸附饱和浓度明显高于石墨烯h酸化的多壁碳纳米管。 同时,SENT吸附剂具有在温和的条件可再生的特点,通过全球可用的家用化学品——醋,即可非常容易地实现SENT的再生。研究者通过计算指出, 1克SENT有可能将83,000 L被污染的水处理至世界卫生组织规定的限值,按照每人每日最低7.5 L的生活用水标准,这足以让11,000人从中受益。

摘要:Although clean and abundant water is the keystone of thriving communities, increasing demand and volatile climate patterns are depleting rivers and aquifers. Moreover, the quality of such water sources is threatened by noxious contaminants, of which heavy metals represents an area of growing concern. Recently, graphene oxide (GO) has been suggested as an adsorbent; however, a support is desirable to ensure a high surface area and an immobile phase. Herein, we described the preparation and characterization of a supported-epoxidized carbon nanotube (SENT) via the growth of multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) onto a quartz substrate. Subsequent epoxidation provides sufficient functionality to enable adsorbent of heavy metals (Cd2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Hg2+, Ni2+, and Pb2+) from aqueous solution with initial concentrations (60–6000 ppm) chosen to simulate high industrial wastewater contamination. The SENT adsorption efficiency is >99.4% for all metals and the saturation concentration is significantly greater than observed for either GO or acid treated MWNTs. The SENT adsorbent may be readily regenerated under mild conditions using a globally available household chemical, vinegar. 1 g of SENT has the potential to treat 83,000 L of contaminated water down to WHO limits which would be sufficient for 11,000 people.


期刊介绍:Scientific Reports is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences.

The 2016 journal metrics for Scientific Reports are as follows:

•2-year impact factor: 4.259

•5-year impact factor: 4.847

•Immediacy index: 0.647


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