论文标题:Elucidating the genetic basis of social interaction and isolation
期刊:Nature Communications
作者:Felix R. Day, Ken K. Ong & John R. B. Perry
根据《自然-通讯》发表的一篇论文Elucidating the genetic basis of social interaction and isolation,我们是否感觉孤独或参与特定社交活动,可能受到特定基因组区域的变异影响。
英国剑桥大学的John Perry及同事分析了英国生物库(UK Biobank)收录的487,647名被试的遗传多样性情况,这些被试通过回答问卷的形式,提供了自身的多种信息,包括孤独感、社交频率和社交质量(即他们是否有可以对之吐露心声的人)。为了更好地理解个体的遗传组成如何决定其孤独感的易感性,作者采用了多性状全基因组关联研究方法。最后发现15个基因组位点的变异与被试的社交孤立相关。作者进一步分析了特定活动的参与情况,比如去酒吧、参加宗教团体或运动俱乐部/体育馆,结果发现在选择特定活动时存在细微的遗传差异,但是也存在相似点。
Day et al.
摘要:The negative impacts of social isolation and loneliness on health are well documented. However, little is known about their possible biological determinants. In up to 452,302 UK Biobank study participants, we perform genome-wide association study analyses for loneliness and regular participation in social activities. We identify 15 genomic loci (P < 5 × 10−8) for loneliness, and demonstrate a likely causal association between adiposity and increased susceptibility to loneliness and depressive symptoms. Further loci were identified for regular attendance at a sports club or gym (N = 6 loci), pub or social club (N = 13) or religious group (N = 18). Across these traits there was strong enrichment for genes expressed in brain regions that control emotional expression and behaviour. We demonstrate aetiological mechanisms specific to each trait, in addition to identifying loci that are pleiotropic across multiple complex traits. Further study of these traits may identify novel modifiable risk factors associated with social withdrawal and isolation.