来源:BMC Medicine 发布时间:2018/12/17 14:58:18
孕期吸烟和肥胖影响胎儿甲状腺发育 | BMC Medicine

论文标题:Maternal smoking and high BMI disrupt thyroid gland development

期刊:BMC Medicine

作者:Panagiotis Filis, Sabine Hombach-Klonisch, Pierre Ayotte, Nalin Nagrath, Ugo Soffientini, Thomas Klonisch, Peter O’Shaughnessy and Paul A. Fowler





众所周知,母亲在孕期的一举一动,各种不良的生活方式均会牵动腹中胎儿的健康,近期发表在BMC Medicine上的一篇文章揭露了孕中期母亲吸烟和体重增加对胎儿甲状腺功能的影响。




在本研究中,作者从妊娠中期(正常进展期妊娠)选择性终止的胎儿中采集甲状腺和血浆。通过固相萃取 - 液相色谱 - 串联质谱联用法测量T3和T4的含量。使用针对人垂体激素的多重测定法测量胎儿血浆中促甲状腺激素(TSH)的水平,以及甲状腺激素结合蛋白(ALB)、转甲状腺素(TTR)和甲状腺素结合球蛋白(TBG)的水平。此外,还检测了胎儿甲状腺的形态学变化并量化了与甲状腺发育和功能相关基因的转录水平。


图2. 胎儿暴露在烟雾中对其循环血液中甲状腺相关激素(A)、免疫组化标志物评分(B)以及甲状腺基因相关转录本的影响均具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。

除此之外,母体BMI> 25与胎儿甲状腺重量增加、血浆TSH水平升高和女性胎儿甲状腺组织学异常有关

图3. 甲状腺重量和组织形态学评分比例(不成熟与成熟)与母体BMI呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。




Maternal lifestyle factors, including smoking and increased body weight, increase risks of adult diseases such as metabolic syndrome and infertility. The fetal thyroid gland is essential for the control of fetal metabolic rate, cardiac output, and brain development. Altered fetal thyroid function may contribute to increased disease onset later in life. Here, we investigated the impact of maternal smoking and high maternal weight on human fetal thyroid function during the second trimester.


Thyroid glands and plasma were collected from fetuses electively terminated in the second trimester (normally progressing pregnancies). Plasma total triiodothyronine (T3) and total thyroxine (T4) were measured by solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Fetal plasma thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were measured using a multiplex assay for human pituitary hormones. Histology and immunolocalization of thyroid developmental markers were examined in thyroid sections. Transcript levels of developmental, functional, apoptotic, and detoxification markers were measured by real-time PCR. Statistical analyses were performed using multivariate linear regression models with fetal age, sex, and maternal smoking or maternal body mass index (BMI) as covariates.


Maternal smoking was associated with significant changes in fetal plasma T4 and TSH levels during the second trimester. Smoke-exposed thyroids had reduced thyroid GATA6and NKX2-1 transcript levels and altered developmental trajectories for ESR2 and AHRtranscript levels. Maternal BMI > 25 was associated with increased fetal thyroid weight, increased plasma TSH levels, and abnormal thyroid histology in female fetuses. Normal developmental changes in AHR and ESR1 transcript expression were also abolished in fetal thyroids from mothers with BMI > 25.


For the first time, we show that maternal smoking and high maternal BMI are associated with disturbed fetal thyroid gland development and endocrine function in a sex-specific manner during the second trimester. These findings suggest that predisposition to post-natal disease is mediated, in part, by altered fetal thyroid gland development.




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