来源:科学网 发布时间:2024/8/16 14:26:39








北京时间2024年8月16日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第199期邀请到了首尔大学教授Dae-Hyeong Kim进行分享!此外,清华大学Xing Sheng,北京大学Yuqing Zheng两位教授担任研讨嘉宾,成均馆大学Miso Kim教授担任主持人。



Dae-Hyeong Kim


Nanomaterials-based Soft Bioelectronics and its Application to Cardiovascular Disease


Recent advancements in soft electronics have garnered significant attention, primarily due to their potential applications in personalized bio-integrated healthcare devices. The mechanical disparity between conventional rigid electronic devices and soft human tissues often presents various challenges, including low signal-to-noise ratios in biosensors, inflammations and/or excessive immune responses near implanted devices in the case of long-term implantation, and inadequate electrical/chemical stimulation in feedback therapies. Consequently, ultra-flexible, stretchable, and low-modulus electronic devices have been developed and deployed to target organs, as their mechanical and material properties align with the in-vivo environment, offering high potential for addressing the aforementioned issues. The development of such bioelectronic devices involves research into the synthesis of nanomaterials, the development of their composites with elastic polymers, and the modification and optimization of processing techniques and device designs. This presentation explores unconventional electronic materials and device strategies, particularly highlighting their applications in treating cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, integrating wireless technologies and artificial intelligence with unconventional soft bioelectronics presents further opportunities in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, in both wearable and implantable platforms. These efforts in developing various unconventional materials and bioelectronic devices are expected to contribute significantly to addressing numerous unresolved issues in clinical medicine.



Dae-Hyeong Kim obtained B.S. and M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea, in 2000 and 2002, respectively. He received his Ph. D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 2009. From 2009 to 2011, he was a post-doctoral research associate at University of Illinois. He joined Seoul National University in 2011 and is currently a professor in School of Chemical and Biological Engineering of Seoul National University. He has been serving as an associate director of Center for Nanoparticle Research of Institute for Basic Science (IBS) from 2017. He has been focusing on the research of nanomaterials and deformable devices and their application to bio-integrated and bio-inspired electronics. He has been recognized with several awards including George Smith Award (2009), TR 35 award (2011), Hong Jin-ki Creative Award (2015), SCEJ Award (2016), and Korea Young Scientist Award (2017). He was also selected as one of the highly cited researchers by Clarivate Analytics from 2018 to 2023.

Dae-Hyeong Kim于2000年和2002年分别在韩国首尔国立大学获得化学工程学士和硕士学位。他在2009年从伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校获得了材料科学与工程博士学位。2009年至2011年,他担任伊利诺伊大学的博士后研究员。他于2011年加入首尔国立大学,目前是首尔国立大学化学与生物工程学院的教授。自2017年起,他一直担任基础科学研究所(IBS)纳米粒子研究中心的副主任。他一直专注于纳米材料和可变形设备的研究以及它们在生物集成和生物启发电子学中的应用。他曾获得多个奖项,包括乔治·史密斯奖(2009年)、TR 35奖(2011年)、洪进基创意奖(2015年)、SCEJ奖(2016年)和韩国青年科学家奖(2017年)。他自2018年至2023年也被Clarivate Analytics评为高被引研究人员之一。

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