来源:科学网 发布时间:2024/5/31 13:12:05


北京时间2024年5月31日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第188期邀请到了武汉理工大学Liqiang Mai教授进行分享!此外,电子科技大学Xiaosheng Zhang,清华大学 Xiaonan Wang,北京大学Jinhu Dou等教授担任嘉宾,北京大学Haixia Zhang教授担任主持人。
Liqiang Mai
Nanowire Energy Storage Materials and Devices
New energy science and technology is a key direction and international frontier in materials science, energy science, and interdisciplinary science. In this talk, Prof. Mai will cover three areas: (1) A universal new model for in-situ characterization of electron/ion transport in single nanowire devices has been created. (2) A "Mai Yan" field effect energy storage theory for regulating the kinetics of electrochemical reactions was proposed, which includes the dual continuous transport of electrons/ions. The innovative achievement of achieving zero carbon efficient synthesis of acetic acid through external pressure field regulation based on field effect regulation has been published in Nature, breaking existing records. (3) A series of electronic/ion dual continuous structure energy storage materials and a self temperature controlled high safety battery that does not smoke or catch fire will be discussed.
Mai Liqiang, Chief Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice President of Wuhan University of Technology, National Distinguished Young Scientist (2014), Changjiang Scholar (2016), Leading Talent of the "Ten Thousand Talents Plan" (2016), Chief Scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2018), Fellow of the Chinese Micron and Nanotechnology Society (2022), and Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society (2023). He has published over 610 SCI papers in journals such as Nature, Science, etc, 56000 citations. He has won the National Natural Science 2nd Prize, the He Liang He Li Foundation Sci&Techn. Innovation Award, the International Electrochemical Energy Sci&Techn.Conference Excellent Research Award, the International Association of Automotive Lithium Batteries Excellent Research Award, the National Teaching Achievement 2nd Prize, the Ministry of Education/Hubei Province Natural Science 1st Prize, and the China Society for Materials Research Technology Invention 1st Prize. He has been selected as a globally highly cited scientist by Korui Weian for 5 consecutive years.


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