作者:未玖 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2023/8/26 20:41:43


编译 | 未玖

Science,  25 AUG 2023, VOL 381, ISSUE 6660




Picoflare jets power the solar wind emerging from a coronal hole on the Sun


▲ 作者:L. P. Chitta, A. N. Zhukov, D. Berghmans, H. Peter, S. Parenti, S. Mandal, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Coronal holes are areas on the Sun with open magnetic field lines. They are a source region of the solar wind, but how the wind emerges from coronal holes is not known. We observed a coronal hole using the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. We identified jets on scales of a few hundred kilometers, which last 20 to 100 seconds and reach speeds of ~100 kilometers per second. The jets are powered by magnetic reconnection and have kinetic energy in the picoflare range. They are intermittent but widespread within the observed coronal hole. We suggest that such picoflare jets could produce enough high-temperature plasma to sustain the solar wind and that the wind emerges from coronal holes as a highly intermittent outflow at small scales.

材料科学Materials Science

Pneumatic cells toward absolute Gaussian morphing


▲ 作者:Tian Gao, José Bico & Beno?t Roman

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▲ Abstract:

On a flat map of the Earth, continents are inevitably distorted. Reciprocally, curving a plate simultaneously in two directions requires a modification of in-plane distances, as Gauss stated in his seminal theorem. Although emerging architectured materials with programmed in-plane distortions are capable of such shape morphing, an additional control of local bending is required to precisely set the final shape of the resulting three-dimensional surface. Inspired by bulliform cells in leaves of monocotyledon plants, we show how the internal structure of flat panels can be designed to program bending and in-plane distortions simultaneously when pressurized, leading to a targeted shell shape. These surfaces with controlled stiffness and fast actuation are manufactured using consumer-grade materials and open a route to large-scale shape-morphing robotics applications.


Ternary NiMo-Bi liquid alloy catalyst for efficient hydrogen production from methane pyrolysis


▲ 作者:Luning Chen, Zhigang Song, Shuchen Zhang, Chung-Kai Chang, Yu-Chun Chuang, Xinxing Peng, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Methane pyrolysis (MP) is a potential technology forCO2-free hydrogen production that generates only solid carbon by-products. However, developing a highly efficient catalyst for stable methane pyrolysis at a moderate temperature has been challenging. We present a new and highly efficient catalyst created by modifying a Ni-Bi liquid alloy with the addition of Mo to produce a ternary NiMo-Bi liquid alloy catalyst (LAC). This catalyst exhibited a considerably low activation energy of 81.2 kilojoules per mole, which enabled MP at temperatures between 450 and 800 Celsius and a hydrogen generation efficiency of 4.05 ml per gram of nickel per minute. At 800 Celsius, the catalyst exhibited 100% H2 selectivity and 120 hours of stability.

Aminodealkenylation: Ozonolysis and copper catalysis convert C(sp3)–C(sp2) bonds to C(sp3)–N bonds

氨基脱烯化:臭氧分解和铜催化将C(sp3) -C (sp2)键转化为C(sp3) -N键

▲ 作者:Zhiqi He, Jose Antonio Moreno, Manisha Swain, Jason Wu & Ohyun Kwon

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▲ 摘要:

烯烃π键胺化已经取得了很大进展。相比之下,相邻C(sp3) -C (sp2) σ键的类似功能化要少见得多。

研究组报道了在温和反应条件下臭氧分解和铜催化如何使烯烃C(sp3) -C (sp2) σ键断裂交叉偶联反应形成新的C(sp3) -N键,并将这种非常规转化应用于激素、药物试剂、肽和核苷的后期修饰。



▲ Abstract:

Great efforts have been directed toward alkene π bond amination. In contrast, analogous functionalization of the adjacent C(sp3)–C(sp2) σ bonds is much rarer. Here we report how ozonolysis and copper catalysis under mild reaction conditions enable alkene C(sp3)–C(sp2) σ bond–rupturing cross-coupling reactions for the construction of new C(sp3)–N bonds. We have used this unconventional transformation for late-stage modification of hormones, pharmaceutical reagents, peptides, and nucleosides. Furthermore, we have coupled abundantly available terpenes and terpenoids with nitrogen nucleophiles to access artificial terpenoid alkaloids and complex chiral amines. In addition, we applied a commodity chemical, α-methylstyrene, as a methylation reagent to prepare methylated nucleosides directly from canonical nucleosides in one synthetic step. Our mechanistic investigation implicates an unusual copper ion pair cooperative process.

Tandem propane dehydrogenation and surface oxidation catalysts for selective propylene synthesis


▲ 作者:Wei Wang, Sai Chen, Chunlei Pei, Ran Luo, Jiachen Sun, Hongbo Song, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Direct propane dehydrogenation (PDH) to propylene is a desirable commercial reaction but is highly endothermic and severely limited by thermodynamic equilibrium. Routes that oxidatively remove hydrogen as water have safety and cost challenges. We coupled chemical looping–selective hydrogen (H2) combustion and PDH with multifunctional ferric vanadate–vanadium oxide (FeVO4-VOx) redox catalysts. Well-dispersed VOx supported on aluminum oxide (Al2O3) provides dehydrogenation sites, and adjacent nanoscale FeVO4 acts as an oxygen carrier for subsequent H2 combustion. We achieved an integral performance of 81.3% propylene selectivity at 42.7% propane conversion at 550°C for 200 chemical looping cycles for the reoxidization of FeVO4. Based on catalytic experiments, spectroscopic characterization, and theory calculations, we propose a hydrogen spillover–mediated coupling mechanism. The hydrogen species generated at the VOx sites migrated to adjacent FeVO4 for combustion, which shifted PDH toward propylene. This mechanism is favored by the proximity between the dehydrogenation and combustion sites.

地球科学Earth Science

Action needed to make carbon offsets from forest conservation work for climate change mitigation


▲ 作者:Thales A. P. West, Sven Wunder, Erin O. Sills, Jan B?rner, Sami W. Rifai, Alexandra N. Neidermeier, et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Carbon offsets from voluntary avoided-deforestation projects are generated on the basis of performance in relation to ex ante deforestation baselines. We examined the effects of 26 such project sites in six countries on three continents using synthetic control methods for causal inference. We found that most projects have not significantly reduced deforestation. For projects that did, reductions were substantially lower than claimed. This reflects differences between the project ex ante baselines and ex post counterfactuals according to observed deforestation in control areas. Methodologies used to construct deforestation baselines for carbon offset interventions need urgent revisions to correctly attribute reduced deforestation to the projects, thus maintaining both incentives for forest conservation and the integrity of global carbon accounting.

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