来源:科学网 发布时间:2023/8/4 14:57:40








北京时间2023年8月4日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第155期邀请到悉尼大学的Anita W. Y. Ho-Baillie和澳大利亚皇家理工大学的Arnan Mitchell进行分享!更多精彩,敬请期待!


Anita W. Y. Ho-Baillie

The University of Sydney

Perovskite Solar Cells: Tandems and Stability


Solar cell that converts solar energy to electricity is one of the cheapest electricity production technology, due to the rapid cost reduction in the last decade. The incumbent silicon solar cell technology is approaching its power conversion efficiency limit (29%), new approaches are needed to increase the efficiency for further cost reduction.Multi-junction or tandem solar cells involve the stacking of high bandgap solar cells onto low bandgap solar cells for them to work in tandem, each converting light in the “sectioned-solar-spectrum” to electricity more efficiently. Multi-junction tandem cell concept is promising in delivering higher efficiencies given the efficiency limit for double junction solar cells is ~45% and for triple-junctions, ~51%. Multi-junction tandems According to the most recent photovoltaics industry roadmap ITRPV (2023), it is projected that Si-based tandem solar cells will become part of the photovoltaic technology mix starting in 2027.Perovskite solar cell technology has the performance credentials and the ease of fabrication to be a candidate for tandem solar cells. Perovskite-based tandem cell research has attracted immense amount of interest in the last 6 years and has experienced a very rapid rate of improvement in energy conversion efficiency.In the talk, I will present our research at the University of Sydney that include demonstrations of various bandgap perovskite solar cells and various type of perovskite tandem solar cells and their applications in the wider context. I will touch on our strategies for improving their stability and durability.



Anita Ho-Baillie (何穎兒) is the John Hooke Chair of Nanoscience at the University of Sydney, an Australian Research Council Future Fellow, and an Adjunct Professor at University of New South Wales (UNSW). She completed her Bachelor of Engineering degree on a Co-op scholarship in 2001 and her PhD at UNSW in 2005. Her research interest is to engineer materials and devices at nanoscale for integrating solar cells onto all kinds of surfaces generating clean energy. She is a highly cited researcher from 2019 to 2022. In 2021, she was an Australian Museum Eureka Prize Finalist and was named the Top Australian Sustainable-Energy Researcher by The Australian Newspaper Annual-Research-Magazine. She won the Royal Society of NSW Warren Prize in 2022 for her pioneering work in the development of next generation solar cells.

何穎兒是悉尼大学John Hooke纳米科学主席、澳大利亚研究委员会未来研究员和新南威尔士大学(UNSW)兼职教授。她于2001年获得合作奖学金获得工程学士学位,并于2005年在新南威尔士大学获得博士学位。她的研究兴趣是设计纳米级的材料和设备,将太阳能电池集成到产生清洁能源的各种表面上。她是2019年至2022年被高度引用的研究人员。2021年,她是澳大利亚博物馆尤里卡奖的入围者,并被《澳大利亚报纸年度研究杂志》评为澳大利亚最佳可持续能源研究员。她因在下一代太阳能电池开发方面的开创性工作,于2022年获得新南威尔士州皇家学会沃伦奖。

Arnan Mitchell

RMIT University

Photonic Chip Frequency Combs:New Technologies for Measuring almost anything


Optical frequency combs were invented more than 20 years ago and have evolutionized precision measurement. Their significance was recognized with the award of the 2005 Nobel Prize in physics, but since then have remained largely within sophisticated laboratories. Recent advances have made it possible to realize optical frequency combs in the form of micro-chips which can be manufactured cheaply, are compact and efficient. In this talk I will explain what an optical frequency comb is, how they are used for precision measurement and the coming wave of new micro-chip optical frequency combs. Systems as micro-chips. I will present an outlook for the diverse areas of application where I believe combs will have impact spanning high-speed communications, machine learning, seismology, biomedical imaging, monitoring the environment, and even searching for life on other planets.

光频梳发明于 20 多年前,为精密测量带来了革命性的变化,并于 2005 年获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。但是,从那时起,光频梳的研究就基本上停留在了精密实验室中。最近的技术进步使得以微芯片的形式实现光学频率梳成为可能,这种芯片的制造成本低廉、结构紧凑、效率高。在本讲座中,我将解释什么是光频梳、它们如何用于精密测量,以及即将出现的新型光频梳微芯片。我将展望梳状光学系统在高速通信、机器学习、地震学、生物医学成像、环境监测,甚至在其他星球上寻找生命等多个领域的应用前景。


Professor Arnan Mitchell is a Distinguished Professor in the School of Engineering at RMIT University, Director of the RMIT Micro Nano Research Facility (MNRF) and is Director of the recently Announced ARC Centre of Excellence for Optical Microcombs for Breakthrough Science (COMBS).He has published more than 700 research papers including publications in Science, Nature, Nature Medicine and Nature Photonics among many others. He is a senior member of the IEEE, SPIE and is a Fellow of Optica. He is a highly multidisciplinary researcher working in micro-chip technologies combining light, sound, fluids and electronics with applications spanning radar systems for defense, high speed fiber optic communications and point of care diagnostic systems for biomedicine. He is enthusiastic about translating technology into the hands of end-users and has dedicated much of his career to building and training diverse teams and comprehensive micro and nanotechnology infrastructure to enable breakthrough discoveries to achieve real world impact.

Arnan Mitchell 教授是皇家墨尔本理工大学工程学院特聘教授、皇家墨尔本理工大学微纳研究设施 (MNRF) 主任,同时也是刚刚成立的澳大利亚科学理事会突破性科学光学微束卓越中心 (COMBS) 主任。他是 IEEE 和 SPIE 的高级会员,也是 Optica 的会员。他是一位跨多个学科的研究者,包括光、声、流体和电子技术相结合的微芯片技术,其应用领域包括国防雷达系统、高速光纤通信和生物医学的个性化诊断系统。他热衷于将技术转化,并在其职业生涯的大部分时间里致力于建立和培训多样化的团队以及全面的微米和纳米技术基础设施,以使突破性发现对世界产生实际影响。

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