来源:科学网 发布时间:2023/11/10 14:28:25








北京时间2023年11月10日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第169期邀请到圣路易斯华盛顿大学的杨兰教授进行分享!更多精彩,敬请期待!


Lan Yang

Washington University in St. Louis

Whispering-gallery-mode optical resonators: a versatile platform for fundamental science and applications


In the past decade, there has been rapid progress in the field of optical resonators, which have been demonstrated as a versatile platform for exploring both fundamental science and technology advancements, ranging from applications in biosensing to the development of narrow-linewidth lasers and microcombs. Among these, whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) optical resonators have emerged as a frontrunner that stands out in enhancing light-matter interactions, leading to numerous groundbreaking discoveries. I will start the talk with a brief review of the history of WGM resonators. Throughout the presentation, I will showcase several examples demonstrating the great potential of high-quality (Q) WGM microresonators and microlasers for fundamental science and engineering applications. In particular, I will discuss the recent exploration of fundamental physics associated with non-Hermitian physics, including intriguing concepts such as parity-time symmetry (PT-symmetry) and light-matter interactions around an exceptional point (EP), in high-quality WGM resonators. These experiments, initially implemented within the context of resonators, have the potential to shape innovative strategies that will pave the way for a new generation of optical systems, enabling unconventional control of light flow. Non-Hermitian physics will be presented as an guideline to design resonator structures with new physical behavior and innovative functionality. Several examples will be presented, including nonreciprocal light transmission, loss engineering in a lasing system, chiral modes at exceptional points (EPs) for directional lasing emission, EPs enhanced sensing, and chiral EP-assisted electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). In conclusion, I will envision exciting opportunities for WGM resonators enabled by integrated photonics. These opportunities hold great promise for advancing the field of photonics and opening up new horizons for optical technologies.



Professor Lan Yang is the Edwin H. and Florence G. Skinner professor in the Preston M. Green Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. She is also the editor-in-chief of Photonics Research. She received a B.S. from the University of Science and Technology of China and completed her Ph.D. in applied physics at Caltech in 2005. Her research interests have been focusing on the fundamental understanding of light-matter interactions and their applications. She enjoys investigating physics in various high-quality photonic resonators and exploring their diverse applications, including lasing, communication, quantum technologies, sensing, and imaging, etc. Her research in parity-time-symmetry and non-Hermitian physics in high-quality resonators has led to a series of discoveries for unconventional control of light transport in photonic structures. She received the NSF CAREER Award in 2010 for her work on single nanoparticle detection and sizing using an on-chip optical resonator. She also received the 2010 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). She is a Fellow of OSA (Optical Society of America), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), APS (American Physical Society), and AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science). She has been recognized as one of the highly cited researchers by Clarivate each year since 2019. She shared her experiences in a Mid-America Emmy award-winning short film in 2020 titled “Changing the World Through Science: Lan Yang”. This film captures her dedication, perseverance, and passion for science.

杨兰教授是美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学电子和系统工程系Edwin H. & Florence G. Skinner 教授,Photonics Research主编,国际光学学会会士,国际电气与电子工程师学会会士,美国物理学会会士,美国科学促进会会士。曾获得美国自然科学基金会CAREER奖、美国总统青年科学家奖等奖项。本科就读于中国科学技术大学,1997年和1999年在中科大分别获得学士和硕士学位,2005年在加州理工学院获得应用物理学博士学位。她的研究兴趣主要基于高品质因子的回音壁光学微腔以及微腔在激光、传感、通讯等基础和应用的研究。其带领的微纳光子学实验室近年来在微纳粒子探测、非厄米光学、光机械等领域取得了一系列重要进展,有关成果发表在《自然》,《科学》,《自然-光子学》,《自然-物理学》,《自然-纳米科技》,《美国国家科学院院刊》等期刊。自2019年以来每年入选科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)的高引用科学家(Highly Cited Researchers)。由HEC Media的 Kathleen Berger 和Peter Foggy拍摄的关于她的短片“Changing the World Through Science: Lan Yang”获得了2020年健康-科学栏目(Health/Science – Program Feature Segment)的Mid-America Emmy Award (https://emmymid-america.org/awards/2020-winners/)。

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