来源:中国化学会 发布时间:2020/6/7 16:43:30


《德国应用化学》(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)杂志于6月4日在线发表(just accepted)作者Tomas Hudlicky的观点文章。文章中多处涉及性别歧视、种族歧视等不当言论,作为化学领域学术团体,中国化学会坚决反对作者观点。尤其是作者对中国化学界的武断判断及诋毁,是对致力于为化学学科发展不懈奋斗的中国化学家群体的整体伤害,已经迅速在中国化学领域引起了广泛的关注和愤慨。

中国化学会对作者Tomas Hudlicky予以强烈谴责,要求其尽快改正并公开道歉。希望《德国应用化学》调查该事件并以此为鉴,坚定科学多元化的立场,完善同行评议程序,秉持科学精神,确保此类事件不再发生。



Statement from Chinese Chemical Society

Angewandte Chemie International Edition published (Just Accepted) an opinion essay by Tomas Hudlicky on June 4, entitled as “Organic synthesis—Where now?” is thirty years old. A reflection on the current state of affairs.” It contains inappropriate remarks on racial and gender discrimination. As an academic organization in chemical sciences in China, Chinese Chemical Society is completely opposed to such discrimination, especially the author’s opinionated judgements and slanders to the whole chemistry community in China. The words have severely hurt the feelings of, and caused widespread attention and strong indignation from the Chinese chemists who are committed to advancing the chemical sciences.

Chinese Chemical Society, on behalf of the whole chemistry community in China, strongly condemns the author of this article and demands a formal apology. Also we hope Angewandte Chemie will stand for the values of fairness and justice, and diversity which are the foundations of scientific development, and take effective measures to improve the peer-review process and make sure this will not happen again.

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