作者: 来源:科学网 www.sciencenet.cn 发布时间:2009-12-9 17:09:42

【科学网综合报道】近日,加拿大皇家学会(The Royal Society of Canada,RSC)增选了81位新会士。其中入选科学院的有3位华人科学家,他们是:应用科学与工程部的杨恩辉(YANG, En-hui)、生命科学部的卓敏(ZHUO, Min),和数学与物理科学部的鲍晓毅(Xiaoyi, Bao)。另有一位华人入选社会科学院的社会科学部,他是加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学社会学系的李胜生(LI, Peter)

杨恩辉1986年毕业于华侨大学,并获得南开大学和美国南加州大学(University of Southern California)博士学位。现为加拿大滑铁卢大学电子和计算机工程系教授,曾创建Slipstream Data公司。他的研究领域包括多媒体数据压缩,编码与调制,信息理论和数字通信等。


YANG, En-hui – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
En-hui Yang is an international leader in source coding, a branch of information theory dealing with how to efficiently encode information for transmission, storage, and processing. A recipient of many awards including the 2007 Ernest C. Manning Award of Distinction and an IEEE Fellow, he has made profound contributions to source coding by introducing fundamental source coding theory, solving long-standing open problems in source coding, inventing state-of-the-art lossless and lossy multimedia encoding algorithms, and transforming research results and coding algorithms into practice, which now impact on the daily life of tens of millions people worldwide in over 130 countries.
ZHUO, Min – Department of Physiology, University of Toronto
Professor Zhuo is internationally recognized for his numerous contributions that have revolutionized our understanding of the mechanisms underlying pain and memory. He is the first Michael Smith Chair in Neuroscience and Mental Health, and a CRC Chair Tier I in pain and cognition. He has published over a hundred original, peer-reviewed papers and his scientific articles have appeared regularly in journals such as Nature, Science, PNAS, Nature Neuroscience and Neuron. His research forms the basis for novel therapeutic approaches that will revolutionize the management of pain, addiction and mental illness.
BAO, Xiaoyi – Department of Physics, University of Ottawa
Dr. Xiaoyi Bao has made exceptional contributions in distributed Brillouin sensors and their applications to civil structures as well as dynamic impairment emulator for evaluation and design of high speed communications systems. Her pioneering efforts on diagnosing the health of structures connects measured physical parameters with the status of the civil structures, which is instrumental in preventing the collapse of steel and concrete structures. She is making outstanding contributions not only to the development of the sensing technology but also to the discipline of physics in general.
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