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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/3/7 14:57:48



研究人员首次开发了合成方法,实现了对超小金属纳米颗粒(金属纳米团簇,NCs)的“外科手术”式连续表面单非金属原子掺杂、置换和添加,并成功合成和表征了三种新型bcc金属NCs Au38I(S-Adm)19、Au38S(S-Adm)20和Au38IS(S-Adm:1-adamantanethiolate)。



Title: Bottom-Up Construction of Metal–Organic Framework Loricae on Metal Nanoclusters with Consecutive Single Nonmetal Atom Tuning for Tailored Catalysis

Author: Qing You, He Wang, Yan Zhao, Wentao Fan, Wanmiao Gu, Hai-Long Jiang, Zhikun Wu

Issue&Volume: March 5, 2024

Abstract: The introduction of single or multiple heterometal atoms into metal nanoparticles is a well-known strategy for altering their structures (compositions) and properties. However, surface single nonmetal atom doping is challenging and rarely reported. For the first time, we have developed synthetic methods, realizing “surgery”-like, successive surface single nonmetal atom doping, replacement, and addition for ultrasmall metal nanoparticles (metal nanoclusters, NCs), and successfully synthesized and characterized three novel bcc metal NCs Au38I(S-Adm)19, Au38S(S-Adm)20, and Au38IS(S-Adm)19 (S-Adm: 1-adamantanethiolate). The influences of single nonmetal atom replacement and addition on the NC structure and optical properties (including absorption and photoluminescence) were carefully investigated, providing insights into the structure (composition)–property correlation. Furthermore, a bottom-up method was employed to construct a metal–organic framework (MOF) on the NC surface, which did not essentially alter the metal NC structure but led to the partial release of surface ligands and stimulated metal NC activity for catalyzing p-nitrophenol reduction. Furthermore, surface MOF construction enhanced NC stability and water solubility, providing another dimension for tunning NC catalytic activity by modifying MOF functional groups.

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c13635

Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.3c13635

