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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/6/9 8:59:21



通过将有机共价的硫辛酸(TA)和无机离子的碳酸钙寡聚物(CCO)以酸碱反应的形式结合起来,研究人员得到了一种TA-CCO的杂化分子,其代表分子式为TA2Ca(CaCO3)2. 该分子可在有机的TA段和无机的CCO段共聚的双重反应活性使其生成相应的共价和离子网格结构。这两种网格通过TA-CCO杂化结构互相连接,在得到的杂化材料聚(TA-CCO)中形成一种共价-离子双连续结构,这使得看似矛盾的力学属性在这种材料中得以统一起来,兼具陶瓷般的硬度和橡胶般的弹性。离子网格中Ca2+–CO32-键以及共价网格中的S-S键的可逆键合确保了该材料具有像塑料一样的可重复加工性,同时又保留了热稳定性。



Title: Organic–inorganic covalent–ionic molecules for elastic ceramic plastic

Author: Fang, Weifeng, Mu, Zhao, He, Yan, Kong, Kangren, Jiang, Kai, Tang, Ruikang, Liu, Zhaoming

Issue&Volume: 2023-06-07

Abstract: Although organic–inorganic hybrid materials have played indispensable roles as mechanical, optical, electronic and biomedical materials, isolated organic–inorganic hybrid molecules (at present limited to covalent compounds) are seldom used to prepare hybrid materials, owing to the distinct behaviours of organic covalent bonds and inorganic ionic bonds in molecular construction. Here we integrate typical covalent and ionic bonds within one molecule to create an organic–inorganic hybrid molecule, which can be used for bottom-up syntheses of hybrid materials. A combination of the organic covalent thioctic acid (TA) and the inorganic ionic calcium carbonate oligomer (CCO) through an acid–base reaction provides a TA–CCO hybrid molecule with the representative molecular formula TA2Ca(CaCO3)2. Its dual reactivity involving copolymerization of the organic TA segment and inorganic CCO segment generates the respective covalent and ionic networks. The two networks are interconnected through TA–CCO complexes to form a covalent–ionic bicontinuous structure within the resulting hybrid material, poly(TA–CCO), which unifies paradoxical mechanical properties. The reversible binding of Ca2+–CO32 bonds in the ionic network and S–S bonds in the covalent network ensures material reprocessability with plastic-like mouldability while preserving thermal stability. The coexistence of ceramic-like, rubber-like and plastic-like behaviours within poly(TA–CCO) goes beyond current classifications of materials to generate an ‘elastic ceramic plastic’. The bottom-up creation of organic–inorganic hybrid molecules provides a feasible pathway for the molecular engineering of hybrid materials, thereby supplementing the classical methodology used for the manufacture of organic–inorganic hybrid materials.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06117-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06117-1
