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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/12/20 15:25:31

瑞士联邦理工学院Kovalenko, Maksym V.研究团队报道了软金属卤化物纳米晶体磷脂封端配体的设计。相关研究成果于2023年12月18日发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然》。


晶格匹配的伯铵磷脂增强了有机-无机杂化LHP(FAPbBr3和MAPbBr3,FA甲脒;MA甲基铵),和无铅金属卤化物NCs的结构和胶体完整性。有机配体尾部的分子结构决定了胶体的长期稳定性和与不同极性溶剂的兼容性,从碳氢化合物到丙酮和醇类。这些NCs在溶液和固体中表现出96%以上的光致发光量子产率(PL QY),在单颗粒水平上表现出最小的PL间歇,平均ON分数高达94%,以及明亮和高纯度(约95%)的单光子发射。


Title: Designer Phospholipid Capping Ligands for Soft Metal Halide Nanocrystals

Author: Morad, Viktoriia, Stelmakh, Andriy, Svyrydenko, Mariia, Feld, Leon G., Boehme, Simon C., Aebli, Marcel, Affolter, Joel, Kaul, Christoph J., Schrenker, Nadine J., Bals, Sara, Sahin, Yesim, Dirin, Dmitry N., Cherniukh, Ihor, Raino, Gabriele, Baumketner, Andrij, Kovalenko, Maksym V.

Issue&Volume: 2023-12-18

Abstract: The success of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) in science and optoelectronics is inextricable from their surfaces. The functionalization of lead halide perovskite (LHP) NCs1–5 poses a formidable challenge due to their structural lability, unlike the well-established covalent ligand-capping of conventional semiconductor NCs6,7. We posited that the vast and facile molecular engineering of phospholipids as zwitterionic surfactants can deliver highly customized surface chemistries for metal halide NCs. Molecular dynamics simulations inferred that ligand-NC surface affinity is primarily governed by the structure of the zwitterionic headgroup, particularly by the geometric fitness of the anionic and cationic moieties into the surface lattice sites, as corroborated by the NMR and FTIR data. Lattice-matched primary-ammonium phospholipids enhance the structural and colloidal integrity of hybrid organic-inorganic LHPs (FAPbBr3 and MAPbBr3, FA-formamidinium; MA-methylammonium) and lead-free metal halide NCs. The molecular structure of the organic ligand tail governs the long-term colloidal stability and compatibility with solvents of diverse polarity, from hydrocarbons to acetone and alcohols. These NCs exhibit photoluminescence quantum yield (PL QY) above 96% in solution and solids and minimal PL intermittency at the single particle level with an average ON fraction as high as 94%, as well as bright and high-purity (ca. 95%) single-photon emission.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06932-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06932-6
