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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/9/18 15:01:45

美国哈佛大学陈曾熙公共卫生学院Christopher D. Golden及其课题组揭示了水产食品对未来社会的影响。相关论文于2021年9月15日在线发表在《自然》杂志上。

在本研究中,研究人员创建了一个整合模型,将陆生食物与近3,000种水生食物的分类群相结合,以了解未来水生食物对人类营养的影响。研究人员预测到2030年水产品市场有两种可能:一种可能是基线情景,水生动物源食品 (AASF) 产量适度增长;另外一种可能是高产量情景,AASF供应量比2030年基线情形下增加1500万吨,这主要由水产养殖生产的投资和创新所驱动。通过比较两种情景之间AASF消费的变化,研究人员阐明了地理和人口脆弱性,并估计了饮食相关原因对健康的影响。




Title: Aquatic foods to nourish nations

Author: Golden, Christopher D., Koehn, J. Zachary, Shepon, Alon, Passarelli, Simone, Free, Christopher M., Viana, Daniel F., Matthey, Holger, Eurich, Jacob G., Gephart, Jessica A., Fluet-Chouinard, Etienne, Nyboer, Elizabeth A., Lynch, Abigail J., Kjellevold, Marian, Bromage, Sabri, Charlebois, Pierre, Barange, Manuel, Vannuccini, Stefania, Cao, Ling, Kleisner, Kristin M., Rimm, Eric B., Danaei, Goodarz, DeSisto, Camille, Kelahan, Heather, Fiorella, Kathryn J., Little, David C., Allison, Edward H., Fanzo, Jessica, Thilsted, Shakuntala H.

Issue&Volume: 2021-09-15

Abstract: Despite contributing to healthy diets for billions of people, aquatic foods are often undervalued as a nutritional solution because their diversity is often reduced to the protein and energy value of a single food type (‘seafood’ or ‘fish’)1,2,3,4. Here we create a cohesive model that unites terrestrial foods with nearly 3,000 taxa of aquatic foods to understand the future impact of aquatic foods on human nutrition. We project two plausible futures to 2030: a baseline scenario with moderate growth in aquatic animal-source food (AASF) production, and a high-production scenario with a 15-million-tonne increased supply of AASFs over the business-as-usual scenario in 2030, driven largely by investment and innovation in aquaculture production. By comparing changes in AASF consumption between the scenarios, we elucidate geographic and demographic vulnerabilities and estimate health impacts from diet-related causes. Globally, we find that a high-production scenario will decrease AASF prices by 26% and increase their consumption, thereby reducing the consumption of red and processed meats that can lead to diet-related non-communicable diseases5,6 while also preventing approximately 166 million cases of inadequate micronutrient intake. This finding provides a broad evidentiary basis for policy makers and development stakeholders to capitalize on the potential of aquatic foods to reduce food and nutrition insecurity and tackle malnutrition in all its forms.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03917-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03917-1

