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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/5/13 16:36:15

美国加州大学洛杉矶分校Alexander Hoffmann团队发现,六种不同的NFκB信号编码各自的信号来区分刺激,并实现正确的巨噬细胞应答。该项研究成果发表在2021年5月11日出版的《免疫》杂志上。





Title: Six distinct NFκB signaling codons convey discrete information to distinguish stimuli and enable appropriate macrophage responses

Author: Adewunmi Adelaja, Brooks Taylor, Katherine M. Sheu, Yi Liu, Stefanie Luecke, Alexander Hoffmann

Issue&Volume: 2021/05/11

Abstract: Macrophages initiate inflammatory responses via the transcription factor NFκB. The temporal pattern of NFκB activity determines which genes are expressed and thus, the type of response that ensues. Here, we examined how information about the stimulus is encoded in the dynamics of NFκB activity. We generated an mVenus-RelA reporter mouse line to enable high-throughput live-cell analysis of primary macrophages responding to host- and pathogen-derived stimuli. An information-theoretic workflow identified six dynamical features—termed signaling codons—that convey stimulus information to the nucleus. In particular, oscillatory trajectories were a hallmark of responses to cytokine but not pathogen-derived stimuli. Single-cell imaging and RNA sequencing of macrophages from a mouse model of Sjgren’s syndrome revealed inappropriate responses to stimuli, suggestive of confusion of two NFκB signaling codons. Thus, the dynamics of NFκB signaling classify immune threats through six signaling codons, and signal confusion based on defective codon deployment may underlie the etiology of some inflammatory diseases.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.04.011

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(21)00173-4

