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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/3/28 16:23:47

以色列魏茨曼科学研究院Eran Segal团队绘制出野生动物微生物群的多样性和功能性图谱。相关论文于2021年3月25日在线发表在《科学》杂志上。





Title: Diversity and functional landscapes in the microbiota of animals in the wild

Author: Doron Levin, Neta Raab, Yishay Pinto, Daphna Rothschild, Gal Zanir, Anastasia Godneva, Nadav Mellul, David Futorian, Doran Gal, Sigal Leviatan, David Zeevi, Ido Bachelet, Eran Segal

Issue&Volume: 2021/03/25

Abstract: Animals in the wild are able to subsist on pathogen-infected and poisonous food and show immunity to various diseases. These may be due to their microbiota, yet we have a poor understanding of animal microbial diversity and function. We used metagenomics to analyze the gut microbiota of over 180 species in the wild, covering diverse classes, feeding behaviors, geographies, and traits. Using de novo metagenome assembly, we constructed and functionally annotated a database of over 5,000 genomes, comprising 1,209 bacterial species of which 75% are unknown. The microbial composition, diversity, and functional content exhibit associations with animal taxonomy, diet, activity, social structure and lifespan. We identify the gut microbiota of wild animals as a largely untapped resource for the discovery of therapeutics and biotechnology applications.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abb5352

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2021/03/24/science.abb5352
