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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/2/28 23:14:54






Title: Post‐Functionalization of Supramolecular Polymers on Surface and the Chiral Assembly‐Induced Enantioselective Reaction

Author: Deng-Yuan Li, Ya-Cheng Zhu, Shi-Wen Li, Chen-Hui Shu, Pei Nian Liu

Issue&Volume: 2021-02-25

Abstract: Although post‐functionalization is extensively used to introduce diverse functional groups into supramolecular polymers (SPs) in solution, post–functionalization of SPs on surfaces still remains unexplored. Here we achieved the on‐surface post‐functionalization of two SPs derived from 5,10,15‐tri‐(4‐pyridyl)‐20‐bromophenyl porphyrin (Br‐TPyP) via cross‐coupling reactions on Au(111). The ladder‐shaped, Cu‐coordinated SPs preformed from Br‐TPyP were functionalized through Heck reaction with 4‐vinyl‐1,1'‐biphenyl. In the absence of Cu, Br‐TPyP formed chiral SPs as two enantiomers via self‐assembly, which were functionalized via divergent cross‐coupling reaction with 4‐isocyano‐1,1'‐biphenyl (ICBP). Surprisingly, this reaction was discovered as an enantioselective on‐surface reaction induced by the chirality of SPs. Mechanistic analysis and DFT calculations indicated that after debromination of Br‐TPyP and the first addition of ICBP, only one attack direction of ICBP to the chiral SP intermediate is permissive in the second addition step due to the steric hindrance, which guaranteed the high enantioselectivity of the reaction.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202016395

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202016395


Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:12.959