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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/2/22 13:12:05

美国加州大学洛杉矶分校Heather R. Christofk小组发现,天冬酰胺可连接线粒体呼吸与ATF4活性和肿瘤生长。该项研究成果于2021年2月19日在线发表在《细胞—代谢》上。





Title: Asparagine couples mitochondrial respiration to ATF4 activity and tumor growth

Author: Abigail S. Krall, Peter J. Mullen, Felicia Surjono, Milica Momcilovic, Ernst W. Schmid, Christopher J. Halbrook, Apisadaporn Thambundit, Steven D. Mittelman, Costas A. Lyssiotis, David B. Shackelford, Simon R.V. Knott, Heather R. Christofk

Issue&Volume: 2021-02-19

Abstract: Mitochondrial respiration is critical for cell proliferation. In addition to producingATP, respiration generates biosynthetic precursors, such as aspartate, an essentialsubstrate for nucleotide synthesis. Here, we show that in addition to depleting intracellularaspartate, electron transport chain (ETC) inhibition depletes aspartate-derived asparagine,increases ATF4 levels, and impairs mTOR complex I (mTORC1) activity. Exogenous asparaginerestores proliferation, ATF4 and mTORC1 activities, and mTORC1-dependent nucleotidesynthesis in the context of ETC inhibition, suggesting that asparagine communicatesactive respiration to ATF4 and mTORC1. Finally, we show that combination of the ETCinhibitor metformin, which limits tumor asparagine synthesis, and either asparaginaseor dietary asparagine restriction, which limit tumor asparagine consumption, effectivelyimpairs tumor growth in multiple mouse models of cancer. Because environmental asparagineis sufficient to restore tumor growth in the context of respiration impairment, ourfindings suggest that asparagine synthesis is a fundamental purpose of tumor mitochondrialrespiration, which can be harnessed for therapeutic benefit to cancer patients.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2021.02.001

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(21)00057-7


Cell Metabolism:《细胞—代谢》,创刊于2005年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:22.415