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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/11/13 12:00:05

美国普林斯顿大学David W. C. MacMillan揭示了四元sp3-碳形成的仿生SH2交叉耦合机制。相关研究成果于2021年11月11日发表于国际一流学术期刊《科学》。




Title: A biomimetic SH2 cross-coupling mechanism for quaternary sp3-carbon formation

Author: Wei Liu, Marissa N. Lavagnino, Colin A. Gould, Jesús Alcázar, David W. C. MacMillan

Issue&Volume: 2021-11-11

Abstract: Bimolecular homolytic substitution (SH2) is an open-shell mechanism that is implicated across a host of biochemical alkylation pathways. Surprisingly, however, this radical substitution manifold has not been generally deployed as a design element in synthetic C–C bond formation. Here, we demonstrate that the SH2 mechanism can be leveraged to enable a biomimetic sp3-sp3 cross-coupling platform that furnishes quaternary sp3-carbon centers, a longstanding challenge in organic molecule construction. This heteroselective radical-radical coupling combines the capacity of iron porphyrin to readily distinguish between the SH2 bond-forming roles of open-shell primary and tertiary carbons, and photocatalysis to generate both radical classes simultaneously from widely abundant functional groups. Mechanistic studies confirm the intermediacy of a primary alkyl–Fe(III) species prior to coupling and provide evidence for the SH2 displacement pathway in the critical quaternary sp3-carbon bond formation step.

DOI: abl4322

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abl4322#con5


