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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/1/24 19:54:43

奥地利应用物理研究所Gareth S. Parkinson团队揭示了模型单原子催化剂上CO吸附机制。相关研究成果发表在2021年1月22日出版的《科学》。





Title: Unraveling CO adsorption on model single-atom catalysts

Author: Jan Hulva, Matthias Meier, Roland Bliem, Zdenek Jakub, Florian Kraushofer, Michael Schmid, Ulrike Diebold, Cesare Franchini, Gareth S. Parkinson

Issue&Volume: 2021/01/22

Abstract: Understanding how the local environment of a “single-atom” catalyst affects stability and reactivity remains a challenge. We present an in-depth study of copper1, silver1, gold1, nickel1, palladium1, platinum1, rhodium1, and iridium1 species on Fe3O4(001), a model support in which all metals occupy the same twofold-coordinated adsorption site upon deposition at room temperature. Surface science techniques revealed that CO adsorption strength at single metal sites differs from the respective metal surfaces and supported clusters. Charge transfer into the support modifies the d-states of the metal atom and the strength of the metal–CO bond. These effects could strengthen the bond (as for Ag1–CO) or weaken it (as for Ni1–CO), but CO-induced structural distortions reduce adsorption energies from those expected on the basis of electronic structure alone. The extent of the relaxations depends on the local geometry and could be predicted by analogy to coordination chemistry.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abe5757

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/371/6527/375

