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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/1/22 16:13:41

瑞典林雪平大学David Engblom研究组发现,小胶质细胞激活通过前列腺素介导的纹状体神经元调节而引起负面情绪。该研究于2021年1月20日在线发表于国际一流学术期刊《免疫》。





Title: Microglial activation elicits a negative affective state through prostaglandin-mediated modulation of striatal neurons

Author: Anna M. Klawonn, Michael Fritz, Silvia Castany, Marco Pignatelli, Carla Canal, Fredrik Simil, Hugo A. Tejeda, Julia Levinsson, Maarit Jaarola, Johan Jakobsson, Juan Hidalgo, Markus Heilig, Antonello Bonci, David Engblom

Issue&Volume: 2021-01-20

Abstract: Microglia are activated in many neurological diseases and have been suggested to playan important role in the development of affective disorders including major depression.To investigate how microglial signaling regulates mood, we used bidirectional chemogeneticmanipulations of microglial activity in mice. Activation of microglia in the dorsalstriatum induced local cytokine expression and a negative affective state characterizedby anhedonia and aversion, whereas inactivation of microglia blocked aversion inducedby systemic inflammation. Interleukin-6 signaling and cyclooxygenase-1 mediated prostaglandinsynthesis in the microglia were critical for the inflammation-induced aversion. Correspondingly,microglial activation led to a prostaglandin-dependent reduction of the excitabilityof striatal neurons. These findings demonstrate a mechanism by which microglial activationcauses negative affect through prostaglandin-dependent modulation of striatal neuronsand indicate that interference with this mechanism could milden the depressive symptomsin somatic and psychiatric diseases involving microglial activation.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.12.016

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(20)30544-6

