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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/1/15 16:34:14

美国贝勒医学院Thomas F. Westbrook小组的一项最新研究表明,在三阴性乳腺癌中剪接体靶向疗法(STT)触发抗病毒免疫反应。相关论文在线发表在2021年1月14日出版的《细胞》杂志上。





Title: Spliceosome-targeted therapies trigger an antiviral immune response in triple-negative breast cancer

Author: Elizabeth A. Bowling, Jarey H. Wang, Fade Gong, William Wu, Nicholas J. Neill, Ik Sun Kim, Siddhartha Tyagi, Mayra Orellana, Sarah J. Kurley, Rocio Dominguez-Vidaa, Hsiang-Ching Chung, Tiffany Y.-T. Hsu, Julien Dubrulle, Alexander B. Saltzman, Heyuan Li, Jitendra K. Meena, Gino M. Canlas, Srinivas Chamakuri, Swarnima Singh, Lukas M. Simon, Calla M. Olson, Lacey E. Dobrolecki, Michael T. Lewis, Bing Zhang, Ido Golding, Jeffrey M. Rosen, Damian W. Young, Anna Malovannaya, Fabio Stossi, George Miles, Matthew J. Ellis, Lihua Yu, Silvia Buonamici, Charles Y. Lin, Kristen L. Karlin, Xiang H.-F. Zhang, Thomas F. Westbrook

Issue&Volume: 2021-01-14

Abstract: Many oncogenic insults deregulate RNA splicing, often leading to hypersensitivityof tumors to spliceosome-targeted therapies (STTs). However, the mechanisms by whichSTTs selectively kill cancers remain largely unknown. Herein, we discover that mis-splicedRNA itself is a molecular trigger for tumor killing through viral mimicry. In MYC-driventriple-negative breast cancer, STTs cause widespread cytoplasmic accumulation of mis-splicedmRNAs, many of which form double-stranded structures. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-binding proteinsrecognize these endogenous dsRNAs, triggering antiviral signaling and extrinsic apoptosis.In immune-competent models of breast cancer, STTs cause tumor cell-intrinsic antiviralsignaling, downstream adaptive immune signaling, and tumor cell death. Furthermore,RNA mis-splicing in human breast cancers correlates with innate and adaptive immunesignatures, especially in MYC-amplified tumors that are typically immune cold. Thesefindings indicate that dsRNA-sensing pathways respond to global aberrations of RNAsplicing in cancer and provoke the hypothesis that STTs may provide unexplored strategiesto activate anti-tumor immune pathways.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.12.031

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)31753-0
