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胰岛素和瘦素/ Upd2在脂肪存储过程中发挥相反作用
作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/9/26 13:51:49

2020年9月24日出版的《细胞-代谢》杂志在线发表了美国Fred Hutch公司Akhila Rajan课题组的最新研究成果。 他们发现胰岛素和瘦素/ Upd2对脂肪敏感神经元的突触数量产生相反的影响。
研究人员发现在营养过剩的情况下,果蝇瘦素直系同源物Upd2通过调节肌动蛋白的突触重组来减少抑制回路中的布顿数,从而建立了允许胰岛素释放的神经信号。出乎意料的是,研究人员发现胰岛素会反馈抑制这些相同的神经元,从而反过来增加钮扣数,导致抑制信号的维持。该研究揭示了一种神经调控机制,两个过剩的激素系统(Upd2 / leptin和胰岛素)通过该机制汇聚在神经元回路中并产生相反的结果,从而建立了依赖于能量存储的神经元活动。
Title:Insulin and Leptin/Upd2 Exert Opposing Influences on Synapse Number in Fat-Sensing Neurons
Author:Ava E. Brent Akhila Rajan
Issue&Volume:September 24, 2020
Abstract: Energy-sensing neural circuits decide to expend or conserve resources based, in part, on the tonic, steady-state, energy-store information they receive. Tonic signals, in the form of adipose tissue-derived adipokines, set the baseline level of activity in the energy-sensing neurons, thereby providing context for interpretation of additional inputs. However, the mechanism by which tonic adipokine information establishes steady-state neuronal function has heretofore been unclear. We show here that under conditions of nutrient surplus, Upd2, a Drosophila leptin ortholog, regulates actin-based synapse reorganization to reduce bouton number in an inhibitory circuit, thus establishing a neural tone that is permissive for insulin release. Unexpectedly, we found that insulin feeds back on these same inhibitory neurons to conversely increase bouton number, resulting in maintenance of negative tone. Our results point to a mechanism by which two surplus-sensing hormonal systems, Upd2/leptin and insulin, converge on a neuronal circuit with opposing outcomes to establish energy-store-dependent neuron activity.
Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(20)30477-0



Cell Metabolism:《细胞—代谢》,创刊于2005年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:22.415