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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/9/18 15:45:18

近日,以色列魏茨曼科学研究所Rotem Sorek等研究人员发现,原核生物的蛇毒素能够产生多种抗病毒分子。这一研究成果于2020年9月16日在线发表在国际学术期刊《自然》上。


Title: Prokaryotic viperins produce diverse antiviral molecules

Author: Aude Bernheim, Adi Millman, Gal Ofir, Gilad Meitav, Carmel Avraham, Helena Shomar, Masha M. Rosenberg, Nir Tal, Sarah Melamed, Gil Amitai, Rotem Sorek

Issue&Volume: 2020-09-16

Abstract: Viperin is an interferon-induced cellular protein conserved in animals1. It was shown to inhibit the replication of multiple viruses by producing a ribonucleotide called 3’-deoxy-3’4’-didehydro-CTP (ddhCTP), which acts as a chain terminator for the viral RNA polymerase2. Here we show that the eukaryotic viperin has originated from a clade of bacterial and archaeal proteins that protect against phage infection. Prokaryotic viperins (pVips) produce a set of modified ribonucleotides that include ddhCTP, as well as ddhGTP and ddhUTP. We further provide evidence that pVips protect against T7 phage infection by inhibiting viral polymerase-dependent transcription, implying an anti-viral mechanism of action similar to the animal viperin. Our results unveil a potential repository of natural antiviral compounds produced by bacterial immune systems.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2762-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2762-2

