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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/8/9 14:50:21

英国伦敦大学学院Buzz Baum、兰卡斯特大学Nicholas P. Robinson等研究人员合作发现蛋白酶体控制古细菌中ESCRT-III介导的细胞分裂。这一研究成果发表在2020年8月7日出版的《科学》上。

研究人员表示,嗜酸热硫矿硫化叶菌(Sulfolobus acidocaldarius)是真核生物在实验上最易研究的古细菌近亲,尽管缺乏明显的细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶和细胞周期蛋白同源物,但其有序的真核生物样细胞周期具有不同的DNA复制和分裂阶段。
在探索S. acidocaldarius细胞分裂机制中,研究人员确定了古细菌蛋白酶体在调节一个细胞周期结束过渡到下一个细胞周期开始中的作用。此外,研究人员确定了古细菌ESCRT-III同源物CdvB为蛋白酶体的关键靶标,并表明其降解通过实现CdvB1:CdvB2 ESCRT-III分裂环的收缩来触发分裂。这些发现为ESCRT-III介导的膜重塑提供了最简机制,并指出了蛋白酶体在真核和古细菌细胞周期控制中的保守作用。

Title: The proteasome controls ESCRT-III–mediated cell division in an archaeon

Author: Gabriel Tarrason Risa, Fredrik Hurtig, Sian Bray, Anne E. Hafner, Lena Harker-Kirschneck, Peter Faull, Colin Davis, Dimitra Papatziamou, Delyan R. Mutavchiev, Catherine Fan, Leticia Meneguello, Andre Arashiro Pulschen, Gautam Dey, Sian Culley, Mairi Kilkenny, Diorge P. Souza, Luca Pellegrini, Robertus A. M. de Bruin, Ricardo Henriques, Ambrosius P. Snijders, Anela ari, Ann-Christin Linds, Nicholas P. Robinson, Buzz Baum

Issue&Volume: 2020/08/07

Abstract: Sulfolobus acidocaldarius is the closest experimentally tractable archaeal relative of eukaryotes and, despite lacking obvious cyclin-dependent kinase and cyclin homologs, has an ordered eukaryote-like cell cycle with distinct phases of DNA replication and division. Here, in exploring the mechanism of cell division in S. acidocaldarius, we identify a role for the archaeal proteasome in regulating the transition from the end of one cell cycle to the beginning of the next. Further, we identify the archaeal ESCRT-III homolog, CdvB, as a key target of the proteasome and show that its degradation triggers division by allowing constriction of the CdvB1:CdvB2 ESCRT-III division ring. These findings offer a minimal mechanism for ESCRT-III–mediated membrane remodeling and point to a conserved role for the proteasome in eukaryotic and archaeal cell cycle control.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz2532

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/369/6504/eaaz2532
