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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/8/7 13:43:21

法国国家健康与医学研究院Eric Solary等研究人员合作发现,钙卫蛋白升高和异常髓样细胞亚群可将轻度COVID-19患者与严重者区分开。相关论文于2020年8月5日在线发表在《细胞》杂志上。


Title: Elevated calprotectin and abnormal myeloid cell subsets discriminate severe from mild COVID-19

Author: Aymeric Silvin, Nicolas Chapuis, Garett Dunsmore, Anne-Galle Goubet, Agathe Dubuisson, Lisa Derosa, Carole Almire, Clémence Hénon, Olivier Kosmider, Nathalie Droin, Philippe Rameau, Cyril Catelain, Alexia Alfaro, Charles Dussiau, Chloé Friedrich, Elise Sourdeau, Nathalie Marin, Tali-Anne Szwebel, Delphine Cantin, Luc Mouthon, Didier Borderie, Marc Deloger, Delphine Bredel, Severine Mouraud, Damien Drubay, Muriel Andrieu, Anne-Sophie Lhonneur, Véronique Saada, Annabelle Stoclin, Christophe Willekens, Fanny Pommeret, Frank Griscelli, Lai Guan Ng, Zheng Zhang, Pierre Bost, Ido Amit, Fabrice Barlesi, Aurélien Marabelle, Frédéric Pène, Bertrand Gachot, Fabrice André, Laurence Zitvogel, Florent Ginhoux, Michaela Fontenay, Eric Solary

Issue&Volume: 2020-08-05

Abstract: Blood myeloid cells are known to be dysregulated in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2. It is unknown whether the innate myeloid response differs with disease severity, and whether markers of innate immunity discriminate high risk patients. Thus, we performed high dimensional flow cytometry and single cell RNA sequencing of COVID-19 patient peripheral blood cells and detected the disappearance of non-classical CD14LowCD16High monocytes, the accumulation of HLA-DRLow classical monocytes, and the release of massive amounts of calprotectin (S100A8/S100A9) in severe cases. Immature CD10LowCD101-CXCR4+/- neutrophils with an immuno-suppressive profile accumulated as well in blood and lungs, suggesting emergency myelopoiesis. We finally showed that calprotectin plasma level and a routine flow cytometry assay detecting decreased frequencies of non-classical monocytes could discriminate patients who develop a severe COVID-19 form, suggesting a predictive value that deserves prospective evaluation.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.002

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30993-4
