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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/7/28 16:12:14

美国纽约大学兰贡医学中心Dayu Lin团队发现后杏仁核(PA)调节雄性小鼠的性行为和攻击行为。 2020年7月27日,《自然-神经科学》杂志发表了这一成果。

他们确定PA中表达雌激素受体α(Esr1)的细胞是下丘脑兴奋性输入的主要来源,以及雄性小鼠交配和战斗的关键介体。他们发现两个截然不同的PA亚群,它们在连接性、基因表达、体内反应和社会行为相关性方面存在差异。投射视前内侧内侧核(MPN)的PAEsr1 +细胞在交配过程中被激活,是雄性性行为所必需和充分的,而投射下丘脑腹侧外侧部分(VMHvl)的PAEsr1 +细胞则在雄性间的攻击中被激发并促进攻击。




Title: Posterior amygdala regulates sexual and aggressive behaviors in male mice

Author: Takashi Yamaguchi, Dongyu Wei, Soomin C. Song, Byungkook Lim, Nicolas X. Tritsch, Dayu Lin

Issue&Volume: 2020-07-27

Abstract: Sexual and aggressive behaviors are fundamental to animal survival and reproduction. The medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) and ventrolateral part of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMHvl) are essential regions for male sexual and aggressive behaviors, respectively. While key inhibitory inputs to the VMHvl and MPN have been identified, the extrahypothalamic excitatory inputs essential for social behaviors remain elusive. Here we identify estrogen receptor alpha (Esr1)-expressing cells in the posterior amygdala (PA) as a main source of excitatory inputs to the hypothalamus and key mediators for mating and fighting in male mice. We find two largely distinct PA subpopulations that differ in connectivity, gene expression, in vivo responses and social behavior relevance. MPN-projecting PAEsr1+ cells are activated during mating and are necessary and sufficient for male sexual behaviors, while VMHvl-projecting PAEsr1+ cells are excited during intermale aggression and promote attacks. These findings place the PA as a key node in both male aggression and reproduction circuits. Yamaguchi et al. identify a little-known amygdalar region, the posterior amygdala, as a key node in male mouse social behaviors. Two largely non-overlapping subpopulations in the posterior amygdala form parallel projections to distinct hypothalamic regions to regulate mating and fighting.

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-020-0675-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-020-0675-x


Nature Neuroscience:《自然—神经科学》,创刊于1998年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新if:21.126