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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/7/25 11:41:23

美国麻省理工学院Tyler Jacks和哈佛大学Jason D. Buenrostro课题组合作取得一项新成果。他们发现表观基因组状态转换可用于表征小鼠肺腺癌肿瘤(LUAD)的进展。这一研究成果在线发表在2020年7月23日的《癌细胞》上。





Title: Epigenomic State Transitions Characterize Tumor Progression in Mouse Lung Adenocarcinoma

Author: Lindsay M. LaFave, Vinay K. Kartha, Sai Ma, Kevin Meli, Isabella Del Priore, Caleb Lareau, Santiago Naranjo, Peter M.K. Westcott, Fabiana M. Duarte, Venkat Sankar, Zachary Chiang, Alison Brack, Travis Law, Haley Hauck, Annalisa Okimoto, Aviv Regev, Jason D. Buenrostro, Tyler Jacks

Issue&Volume: 2020-07-23

Abstract: Regulatory networks that maintain functional, differentiated cell states are oftendysregulated in tumor development. Here, we use single-cell epigenomics to profilechromatin state transitions in a mouse model of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). We identifyan epigenomic continuum representing loss of cellular identity and progression towarda metastatic state. We define co-accessible regulatory programs and infer key activatingand repressive chromatin regulators of these cell states. Among these co-accessibilityprograms, we identify a pre-metastatic transition, characterized by activation ofRUNX transcription factors, which mediates extracellular matrix remodeling to promotemetastasis and is predictive of survival across human LUAD patients. Together, theseresults demonstrate the power of single-cell epigenomics to identify regulatory programsto uncover mechanisms and key biomarkers of tumor progression.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2020.06.006

Source: https://www.cell.com/cancer-cell/fulltext/S1535-6108(20)30310-X


Cancer Cell:《癌细胞》,创刊于2002年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:23.916