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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/6/9 18:39:07

2020年6月8日,美国弗雷德·哈钦森癌症研究中心Slobodan Beronja研究团队在《细胞-干细胞》杂志在线发表论文,宣布发现细胞命运调节因子的选择性翻译介导了细胞对广泛致癌应激的耐受。





Title: Selective Translation of Cell Fate Regulators Mediates Tolerance to Broad Oncogenic Stress

Author: Elise Y. Cai, Megan N. Kufeld, Samantha Schuster, Sonali Arora, Madeline Larkin, Alexandre A. Germanos, Andrew C. Hsieh, Slobodan Beronja

Issue&Volume: 2020-06-08

Abstract: Human skin tolerates a surprisingly high burden of oncogenic lesions. Although adultepidermis can suppress the expansion of individual mutant clones, the mechanisms behindtolerance to oncogene activation across broader regions of tissue are unclear. Here,we uncover a dynamic translational mechanism that coordinates oncogenic HRAS-inducedhyperproliferation with loss of progenitor self-renewal to restrain aberrant growthand tumorigenesis. We identify translation initiator eIF2B5 as a central co-regulatorof HRAS proliferation and cell fate choice. By coupling in vivo ribosome profiling with genetic screening, we provide direct evidence that oncogene-inducedloss of progenitor self-renewal is driven by eIF2B5-mediated translation of ubiquitinationgenes. Ubiquitin ligase FBXO32 specifically inhibits epidermal renewal without affectingoverall proliferation, thus restraining HRAS-driven tumorigenesis while maintainingnormal tissue growth. Thus, oncogene-driven translation is not necessarily inherentlytumor promoting but instead can manage widespread oncogenic stress by steering progenitorfate to prolong normal tissue growth.

DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2020.05.007

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/fulltext/S1934-5909(20)30205-8


Cell Stem Cell:《细胞—干细胞》,创刊于2007年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:21.464