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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/6/20 17:14:30

美国麻省理工学院Richard A. Young研究小组发现,肿瘤药物会在细胞核缩合物中聚集。相关论文于2020年6月19日发表于国际学术期刊《科学》。





Title: Partitioning of cancer therapeutics in nuclear condensates

Author: Isaac A. Klein, Ann Boija, Lena K. Afeyan, Susana Wilson Hawken, Mengyang Fan, Alessandra DallAgnese, Ozgur Oksuz, Jonathan E. Henninger, Krishna Shrinivas, Benjamin R. Sabari, Ido Sagi, Victoria E. Clark, Jesse M. Platt, Mrityunjoy Kar, Patrick M. McCall, Alicia V. Zamudio, John C. Manteiga, Eliot L. Coffey, Charles H. Li, Nancy M. Hannett, Yang Eric Guo, Tim-Michael Decker, Tong Ihn Lee, Tinghu Zhang, Jing-Ke Weng, Dylan J. Taatjes, Arup Chakraborty, Phillip A. Sharp, Young Tae Chang, Anthony A. Hyman, Nathanael S. Gray, Richard A. Young

Issue&Volume: 2020/06/19

Abstract: The nucleus contains diverse phase-separated condensates that compartmentalize and concentrate biomolecules with distinct physicochemical properties. Here, we investigated whether condensates concentrate small-molecule cancer therapeutics such that their pharmacodynamic properties are altered. We found that antineoplastic drugs become concentrated in specific protein condensates in vitro and that this occurs through physicochemical properties independent of the drug target. This behavior was also observed in tumor cells, where drug partitioning influenced drug activity. Altering the properties of the condensate was found to affect the concentration and activity of drugs. These results suggest that selective partitioning and concentration of small molecules within condensates contributes to drug pharmacodynamics and that further understanding of this phenomenon may facilitate advances in disease therapy.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz4427

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6497/1386
