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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/6/14 22:14:09

英国弗朗西斯·克里克研究所Andreas Wack课题组近日取得一项新成果。他们发现在病毒感染恢复过程中,I型(IFN-α/β)和III型(IFN-λ)干扰素干扰肺上皮修复。2020年6月11日出版的《科学》杂志发表了这项成果。

他们显示IFN信号传导在流感恢复期间干扰了肺修复,其中IFN-λ最有效地驱动了这些作用。 IFN诱导的p53直接降低上皮的增殖和分化,增加疾病的严重性,并增加细菌感染的易感性。因此,过量或长时间的IFN产生会通过损害肺上皮再生来加重病毒感染。



Author: Jack Major, Stefania Crotta, Miriam Llorian, Teresa M. McCabe, Hans Henrik Gad, Simon L. Priestnall, Rune Hartmann, Andreas Wack

Issue&Volume: 2020/06/11

Abstract: Abstract Excessive cytokine signaling frequently exacerbates lung tissue damage during respiratory viral infection. Type I (IFN-α/β) and III (IFN-λ) interferons are host-produced antiviral cytokines. Prolonged IFN-α/β responses can lead to harmful proinflammatory effects, whereas IFN-λ mainly signals in epithelia, inducing localized antiviral immunity. Here we show that IFN signaling interferes with lung repair during influenza recovery, with IFN-λ driving these effects most potently. IFN-induced p53 directly reduces epithelial proliferation and differentiation, increasing disease severity, and susceptibility to bacterial superinfections. Thus, excessive or prolonged IFN-production aggravates viral infection by impairing lung epithelial regeneration. Therefore, timing and duration are critical parameters of endogenous IFN action and should be considered carefully for IFN therapeutic strategies against viral infections like influenza and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

DOI: 10.1126/science.abc2061

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/06/10/science.abc2061
