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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/5/6 14:27:20

2020年5月4日,澳大利亚昆士兰大学Timothy W. Bredy团队在《自然-神经科学》杂志发表论文。他们研究发现在小鼠前额叶皮层RNA编辑酶Adar1对Z-DNA的动态调控是消除恐惧所必需的。






Title: Dynamic regulation of Z-DNA in the mouse prefrontal cortex by the RNA-editing enzyme Adar1 is required for fear extinction

Author: Paul R. Marshall, Qiongyi Zhao, Xiang Li, Wei Wei, Ambika Periyakaruppiah, Esmi L. Zajaczkowski, Laura J. Leighton, Sachithrani U. Madugalle, Dean Basic, Ziqi Wang, Jiayu Yin, Wei-Siang Liau, Ankita Gupte, Carl R. Walkley, Timothy W. Bredy

Issue&Volume: 2020-05-04

Abstract: DNA forms conformational states beyond the right-handed double helix; however, the functional relevance of these noncanonical structures in the brain remains unknown. Here we show that, in the prefrontal cortex of mice, the formation of one such structure, Z-DNA, is involved in the regulation of extinction memory. Z-DNA is formed during fear learning and reduced during extinction learning, which is mediated, in part, by a direct interaction between Z-DNA and the RNA-editing enzyme Adar1. Adar1 binds to Z-DNA during fear extinction learning, which leads to a reduction in Z-DNA at sites where Adar1 is recruited. Knockdown of Adar1 leads to an inability to modify a previously acquired fear memory and blocks activity-dependent changes in DNA structure and RNA state—effects that are fully rescued by the introduction of full-length Adar1. These findings suggest a new mechanism of learning-induced gene regulation that is dependent on proteins that recognize alternate DNA structure states, which are required for memory flexibility.

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-020-0627-5

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-020-0627-5


Nature Neuroscience:《自然—神经科学》,创刊于1998年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新if:21.126