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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/2/17 10:43:09

德国组织工程和再生医学研究所Ali Ertürk及其研究组利用新方法探索了完整人体器官的细胞和分子结构。该研究2020年2月13日在线发表在国际学术期刊《细胞》上。

为了克服成人器官难透明的难题,研究人员开发了SHANEL,这是一种基于新组织通透性的方法,用于清除和标记僵硬的人体器官。 研究人员使用SHANEL对成人完整的大脑和肾脏进行了透明,并在厘米深度用抗体和染料进行3D组织学探究。因此,研究人员在细胞分辨率水平上揭示了完整的人眼、甲状腺、肾和转基因猪胰腺的细微结构。此外,研究人员开发了深度学习算法,其可利用普通计算机在数小时内分析干净人脑组织中数百万个细胞。总体而言,SHANEL是一种强大无偏倚的技术,可以绘制大型哺乳动物完整器官的细胞和分子结构图。



Title: Cellular and Molecular Probing of Intact Human Organs

Author: Shan Zhao, Mihail Ivilinov Todorov, Ruiyao Cai, Rami AI -Maskari, Hanno Steinke, Elisabeth Kemter, Hongcheng Mai, Zhouyi Rong, Martin Warmer, Karen Stanic, Oliver Schoppe, Johannes Christian Paetzold, Benno Gesierich, Milagros N. Wong, Tobias B. Huber, Marco Duering, Oliver Thomas Bruns, Bjoern Menze, Jan Lipfert, Victor G. Puelles, Eckhard Wolf, Ingo Bechmann, Ali Ertürk

Issue&Volume: February 13, 2020

Abstract: Optical tissue transparency permits scalable cellular and molecular investigationof complex tissues in 3D. Adult human organs are particularly challenging to rendertransparent because of the accumulation of dense and sturdy molecules in decades-agedtissues. To overcome these challenges, we developed SHANEL, a method based on a newtissue permeabilization approach to clear and label stiff human organs. We used SHANELto render the intact adult human brain and kidney transparent and perform 3D histologywith antibodies and dyes in centimeters-depth. Thereby, we revealed structural detailsof the intact human eye, human thyroid, human kidney, and transgenic pig pancreasat the cellular resolution. Furthermore, we developed a deep learning pipeline toanalyze millions of cells in cleared human brain tissues within hours with standardlab computers. Overall, SHANEL is a robust and unbiased technology to chart the cellularand molecular architecture of large intact mammalian organs.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.030

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30111-2
