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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/2/17 10:43:42

美国太平洋西北国家实验室Tao Liu、Karin D. Rodland,贝勒医学院Bing Zhang、华盛顿大学Li Ding、纽约大学医学院David Fenyö等研究人员合作,利用蛋白质组学揭示了子宫内膜癌的特征。该研究2020年2月13日在线发表在国际学术期刊《细胞》上。

研究人员对95个收集子宫内膜癌进行了全面蛋白质组学表征,包括83个子宫内膜癌和12个浆液性肿瘤。该分析发现对p53和Wnt /β-catenin途径干扰可能产生新结果,确定了circRNA在上皮-间充质转化中的潜在作用,并提供了临床和肿瘤亚组蛋白质组学标志物的新信息,包括与已知可药物化途径的关系。全基因组乙酰化分析帮助人们理解Wnt信号通路和组蛋白乙酰化的调控机制。研究人员还描绘了肿瘤免疫状况的各个方面,包括免疫原性改变、新抗原、常见的癌症/睾丸抗原和免疫微环境,这些都可以为肿瘤免疫治疗提供依据。总的来说,这种多组学分析为研究人员和临床医生提供了宝贵的资源,并发现了在子宫内膜癌发展过程中新分子之间联系的潜在机制,并为其治疗提供了潜在靶点。


Title: Proteogenomic Characterization of Endometrial Carcinoma

Author: Yongchao Dou, Emily A. Kawaler, Daniel Cui Zhou, Marina A. Gritsenko, Chen Huang, Lili Blumenberg, Alla Karpova, Vladislav A. Petyuk, Sara R. Savage, Shankha Satpathy, Wenke Liu, Yige Wu, Chia-Feng Tsai, Bo Wen, Zhi Li, Song Cao, Jamie Moon, Zhiao Shi, MacIntosh Cornwell, Matthew A. Wyczalkowski, Rosalie K. Chu, Suhas Vasaikar, Hua Zhou, Qingsong Gao, Ronald J. Moore, Kai Li, Sunantha Sethuraman, Matthew E. Monroe, Rui Zhao, David Heiman, Karsten Krug, Karl Clauser, Ramani Kothadia, Yosef Maruvka, Alexander R. Pico, Amanda E. Oliphant, Emily L. Hoskins, Samuel L. Pugh, Sean J.I. Beecroft, David W. Adams, Jonathan C. Jarman, Andy Kong, Hui-Yin Chang, Boris Reva, Yuxing Liao, Dmitry Rykunov, Antonio Colaprico, Xi Steven Chen, Andrzej Czekański, Marcin Jdryka, Rafa Matkowski, Maciej Wiznerowicz, Tara Hiltke, Emily Boja, Christopher R. Kinsinger, Mehdi Mesri, Ana I. Robles, Henry Rodriguez, David Mutch

Issue&Volume: February 13, 2020

Abstract: We undertook a comprehensive proteogenomic characterization of 95 prospectively collectedendometrial carcinomas, comprising 83 endometrioid and 12 serous tumors. This analysisrevealed possible new consequences of perturbations to the p53 and Wnt/β-catenin pathways,identified a potential role for circRNAs in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition,and provided new information about proteomic markers of clinical and genomic tumorsubgroups, including relationships to known druggable pathways. An extensive genome-wideacetylation survey yielded insights into regulatory mechanisms linking Wnt signalingand histone acetylation. We also characterized aspects of the tumor immune landscape,including immunogenic alterations, neoantigens, common cancer/testis antigens, andthe immune microenvironment, all of which can inform immunotherapy decisions. Collectively,our multi-omic analyses provide a valuable resource for researchers and clinicians,identify new molecular associations of potential mechanistic significance in the developmentof endometrial cancers, and suggest novel approaches for identifying potential therapeutictargets.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.026

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30107-0
