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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/12/14 15:35:33

美国斯坦福大学Alice Y. Ting和Karl Deisseroth研究团队合作取得最新进展。他们利用分子钙整合子技术揭示了纹状体细胞类型的驱动厌恶。2020年12月11日出版的《细胞》杂志发表了这项成果。


他们在远距离兴奋性映射的下游激活伏隔核中确定了一种细胞类型。利用FLiCRE的模块化设计,他们选择性地在这种细胞类型中表达了一条光遗传学通道,并表明是直接募集,这种原本无法通过遗传学获得的群体会引起行为反感。 FLiCRE的特异性和微小的分辨率使分子传递出表征、操纵和重新编程的活化细胞团信息。



Title: A Molecular Calcium Integrator Reveals a Striatal Cell Type Driving Aversion

Author: Christina K. Kim, Mateo I. Sanchez, Paul Hoerbelt, Lief E. Fenno, Robert C. Malenka, Karl Deisseroth, Alice Y. Ting

Issue&Volume: 2020-12-11

Abstract: The ability to record transient cellular events in the DNA or RNA of cells would enableprecise, large-scale analysis, selection, and reprogramming of heterogeneous cellpopulations. Here, we report a molecular technology for stable genetic tagging ofcells that exhibit activity-related increases in intracellular calcium concentration(FLiCRE). We used FLiCRE to transcriptionally label activated neural ensembles inthe nucleus accumbens of the mouse brain during brief stimulation of aversive inputs.Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we detected FLiCRE transcripts among the endogenoustranscriptome, providing simultaneous readout of both cell-type and calcium activationhistory. We identified a cell type in the nucleus accumbens activated downstream oflong-range excitatory projections. Taking advantage of FLiCRE’s modular design, weexpressed an optogenetic channel selectively in this cell type and showed that directrecruitment of this otherwise genetically inaccessible population elicits behavioralaversion. The specificity and minute resolution of FLiCRE enables molecularly informedcharacterization, manipulation, and reprogramming of activated cellular ensembles.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.11.015

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)31532-4
