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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/11/20 14:18:19

俄罗斯斯科尔科沃科技学院Maria L. Sokolova、Konstantin V. Severinov以及美国德克萨斯大学医学分校Petr G. Leiman课题组合作取得最新进展。他们揭示老人一种crAss样噬菌体病毒RNA聚合酶(RNAPs)的结构和功能。这一研究成果发表在2020年11月18日出版的《自然》杂志上。


从结构上讲,尽管大多数phi14:2 RNAP结构(将近1600个残基)都映射到蛋白质折叠空间的新区域,phi14:2 RNAP最类似于参与RNA干扰的真核RNAP。考虑到这种结构上的相似性,他们表明真核RNA干扰聚合酶起源于噬菌体,与线粒体转录装置同时出现。



Title: Structure and function of virion RNA polymerase of a crAss-like phage

Author: Arina V. Drobysheva, Sofia A. Panafidina, Matvei V. Kolesnik, Evgeny I. Klimuk, Leonid Minakhin, Maria V. Yakunina, Sergei Borukhov, Emelie Nilsson, Karin Holmfeldt, Natalya Yutin, Kira S. Makarova, Eugene V. Koonin, Konstantin V. Severinov, Petr G. Leiman, Maria L. Sokolova

Issue&Volume: 2020-11-18

Abstract: CrAss-like phages are a recently described expansive group of viruses that includes the most abundant virus in the human gut1,2,3. The genomes of all crAss-like phages encode a large virion-packaged protein2,4 that contains a DFDxD sequence motif, which forms the catalytic site in cellular multisubunit RNA polymerases (RNAPs)5. Here, using Cellulophaga baltica crAss-like phage phi14:2 as a model system, we show that this protein is a DNA-dependent RNAP that is translocated into the host cell along with the phage DNA and transcribes early phage genes. We determined the crystal structure of this 2,180-residue enzyme in a self-inhibited state, which probably occurs before virion packaging. This conformation is attained with the help of a cleft-blocking domain that interacts with the active site and occupies the cavity in which the RNA–DNA hybrid binds. Structurally, phi14:2 RNAP is most similar to eukaryotic RNAPs that are involved in RNA interference6,7, although most of the phi14:2 RNAP structure (nearly 1,600 residues) maps to a new region of the protein fold space. Considering this structural similarity, we propose that eukaryal RNA interference polymerases have their origins in phage, which parallels the emergence of the mitochondrial transcription apparatus8.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2921-5

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2921-5

