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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/11/19 10:39:27

复旦大学化学系涂涛课题组通过多孔金属有机聚合物实现了利用二氧化碳、氢气和胺合成N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)。 2020年11月17日,国际知名学术期刊《德国应用化学》发表了这一成果。

在该研究中,课题组展示了一系列可用于这一目的的高效、可重复使用的多孔有机金属聚合物催化剂。比表面积、铱含量和CO2吸附能力之间的协同效应对实现高效高选择性催化至关重要,这使得不同的胺类与CO2和H2可以在低至20 ppm的催化剂负载的温和条件下进行N-甲酰化反应。密度泛函理论计算不仅揭示了一种氧化还原中性的催化途径,而且揭示了一种新的可能的机理,其中关键中间体甲酸的引入是通过质子接力的过程发生的。

值得注意的是,该催化剂在DMF的合成中表现出了创纪录的转换数(TON = 1.58 × 106),且该固态催化剂可以被重复利用12次,充分说明了其在工业应用中的潜力。



Title: Highly Efficient and Selective N‐Formylation of Amines with CO2 and H2 Catalyzed by Porous Organometallic Polymers

Author: Yajing Shen, Qingshu Zheng, Zhe-Ning Chen, Daheng Wen, James H. Clark, Xin Xu, Tao Tu

Issue&Volume: 17 November 2020

Abstract: The valorization of carbon dioxide (CO2  ) to fine chemicals is one of the most promising approaches for CO2  capture and utilization. Herein we demonstrated a series of porous organometallic polymers could be employed as highly efficient and recyclable catalysts for this purpose. Synergetic effects of specific surface area, iridium content, and CO2  adsorption capability are crucial to achieve excellent selectivity and yields towards N‐formylation of diverse amines with CO2  and H2  under mild reaction conditions even at 20 ppm catalyst loading. Density functional theory calculations revealed not only a redox‐neutral catalytic pathway but also a new plausible mechanism with the incorporation of the key intermediate formic acid via a proton‐relay process. Remarkably, a record turnover number (TON = 1.58 × 106  ) was achieved in the synthesis of N,N‐dimethylformamide (DMF), and the solid catalysts can be reused up to 12 runs, highlighting their practical potential in industry.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202011260

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202011260


Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:12.959