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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/11/10 19:51:49

美国哥伦比亚大学Henry M. Colecraft研究组发现,靶向去泛素化可挽救不同运输缺陷的离子通道病。这一研究成果于2020年11月9日在线发表在《自然—方法学》上。

研究人员开发了工程化的去泛素酶(enDUB),能够从目标蛋白中选择性去除泛素链,从而拯救长期QT综合征(LQT)和囊性纤维化(CF)背后不同突变离子通道的功能性表达。在LQT 1型(LQT1)心肌细胞模型中,enDUB治疗可恢复延迟的整流钾电流和正常动作电位持续时间。与美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准的药物Orkambi(lumacaftor/ivacaftor)和Trikafta(elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor和ivacaftor)组合使用时,靶向CF的enDUB可协同挽救常见的(ΔF508)和耐药性(N1303K)的CF突变。

Title: Targeted deubiquitination rescues distinct trafficking-deficient ion channelopathies

Author: Scott A. Kanner, Zunaira Shuja, Papiya Choudhury, Ananya Jain, Henry M. Colecraft

Issue&Volume: 2020-11-09

Abstract: Impaired protein stability or trafficking underlies diverse ion channelopathies and represents an unexploited unifying principle for developing common treatments for otherwise dissimilar diseases. Ubiquitination limits ion channel surface density, but targeting this pathway for the purposes of basic study or therapy is challenging because of its prevalent role in proteostasis. We developed engineered deubiquitinases (enDUBs) that enable selective ubiquitin chain removal from target proteins to rescue the functional expression of disparate mutant ion channels that underlie long QT syndrome (LQT) and cystic fibrosis (CF). In an LQT type 1 (LQT1) cardiomyocyte model, enDUB treatment restored delayed rectifier potassium currents and normalized action potential duration. CF-targeted enDUBs synergistically rescued common (ΔF508) and pharmacotherapy-resistant (N1303K) CF mutations when combined with the US Food and Drug Administation (FDA)-approved drugs Orkambi (lumacaftor/ivacaftor) and Trikafta (elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor and ivacaftor). Altogether, targeted deubiquitination via enDUBs provides a powerful protein stabilization method that not only corrects diverse diseases caused by impaired ion channel trafficking, but also introduces a new tool for deconstructing the ubiquitin code in situ. 

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-020-00992-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-020-00992-6


Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.467