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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/10/20 15:33:43

2020年10月19日,美国杜克大学医学中心Niccol Terrando课题组在《自然-免疫学》上发表了关于术后神经炎症的综述文章。





Title: Neuroinflammation after surgery: from mechanisms to therapeutic targets

Author: Ting Yang, Ravikanth Velagapudi, Niccol Terrando

Issue&Volume: 2020-10-19

Abstract: Injury is a key driver of inflammation, a critical yet necessary response involving several mediators that is aimed at restoring tissue homeostasis. Inflammation in the central nervous system can be triggered by a variety of stimuli, some intrinsic to the brain and others arising from peripheral signals. Fine-tuned regulation of this response is crucial in a system that is vulnerable due to, for example, aging and ongoing neurodegeneration. In this context, seemingly harmless interventions like a common surgery to repair a broken limb can overwhelm the immune system and become the driver of further complications such as delirium and other perioperative neurocognitive disorders. Here, we discuss potential mechanisms by which the immune system affects the central nervous system after surgical trauma. Together, these neuroimmune interactions are becoming hallmarks of and potential therapeutic targets for multiple neurologic conditions, including those affecting the perioperative space. Terrando and colleagues review key mechanisms related to postoperative inflammation and the implications for developing perioperative neurocognitive disorders, with a focus on neuroinflammation and key cellular targets affected by surgical trauma.

DOI: 10.1038/s41590-020-00812-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-020-00812-1


Nature Immunology:《自然—免疫学》,创刊于2000年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:23.53