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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/1/3 16:48:52

美国斯克里普斯研究所Phil S. Baran、哈佛医学院Jon Clardy等研究人员合作利用全合成揭示小分子天然产物tryptorubin A中的非典型位阻异构。相关论文于2020年1月2日在线发表在《科学》上。

研究人员通过全合成发现肽生物碱tryptorubin A可以是两种非经典阻转异构体之一。随后,研究人员设计了一种合成策略,其可实现非经典小分子的首次位阻异构合成。



Title: Total synthesis reveals atypical atropisomerism in a small-molecule natural product, tryptorubin A

Author: Solomon H. Reisberg, Yang Gao, Allison S. Walker, Eric J. N. Helfrich, Jon Clardy, Phil S. Baran

Issue&Volume: 2020/01/02

Abstract: Molecular shape defines function in both biological and material settings and, as such, chemists have developed an ever-increasing descriptive vernacular to describe these shapes. Non-canonical atropisomers—i.e., shape-defined molecules that are formally topologically trivial, but only interconvertible by complex, non-physical multibond torsions—form a unique subset of atropisomers that differ from both canonical atropisomers (e.g., binaphthyls) and topoisomers (i.e., molecules that have identical connectivity, but non-identical molecular graphs). Small molecules, in contrast to biomacromolecules, are not expected to exhibit such ambiguous shapes. Herein, we present the discovery through total synthesis that the peptidic alkaloid tryptorubin A can be one of two non-canonical atropisomers. We subsequently devised a synthetic strategy that drives the first atropospecific synthesis of a non-canonical atrop-defined small molecule.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aay9981

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2019/12/30/science.aay9981
