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PD-1+干细胞样CD8+ T细胞可产生效应样转录特征的暂时性T细胞
作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/12/4 16:45:54

美国埃默里大学医学院Rafi Ahmed研究团队近期工作揭示,在慢性感染过程中,PD-1+干细胞样CD8+T细胞可出现具有效应样转录特征的暂时性T细胞的增殖。相关论文2019年12月3日在线发表于国际学术期刊《免疫》。




Title: Proliferating Transitory T Cells with an Effector-like Transcriptional Signature Emerge from PD-1+ Stem-like CD8+ T Cells during Chronic Infection

Author: William H. Hudson, Julia Gensheimer, Masao Hashimoto, Andreas Wieland, Rajesh M. Valanparambil, Peng Li, Jian-Xin Lin, Bogumila T. Konieczny, Se Jin Im, Gordon J. Freeman, Warren J. Leonard, Haydn T. Kissick, Rafi Ahmed

Issue&Volume: December 03, 2019

Abstract: T cell dysfunction is a characteristic feature of chronic viral infection and cancer.Recent studies in chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection havedefined a PD-1+ Tcf-1+ CD8+ T cell subset capable of self-renewal and differentiation into more terminally differentiatedcells that downregulate Tcf-1 and express additional inhibitory molecules such asTim3. Here, we demonstrated that expression of the glycoprotein CD101 divides thisterminally differentiated population into two subsets. Stem-like Tcf-1+ CD8+ T cells initially differentiated into a transitory population of CD101Tim3+ cells that later converted into CD101+ Tim3+ cells. Recently generated CD101Tim3+ cells proliferated in vivo, contributed to viral control, and were marked by an effector-like transcriptionalsignature including expression of the chemokine receptor CX3CR1, pro-inflammatorycytokines, and granzyme B. PD-1 pathway blockade increased the numbers of CD101Tim3+ CD8+ T cells, suggesting that these newly generated transitional cells play a criticalrole in PD-1-based immunotherapy.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.11.002

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(19)30460-1

