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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/21 14:14:51

环状的染色体外DNA(ecDNA)促进可及染色质和癌基因高表达,这一成果由美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Paul S. Mischel、Vineet Bafna、任兵(Bing Ren)和斯坦福大学Howard Y. Chang等研究人员合作完成。相关论文2019年11月20日在线发表于《自然》。




Title: Circular ecDNA promotes accessible chromatin and high oncogene expression

Author: Sihan Wu, Kristen M. Turner, Nam Nguyen, Ramya Raviram, Marcella Erb, Jennifer Santini, Jens Luebeck, Utkrisht Rajkumar, Yarui Diao, Bin Li, Wenjing Zhang, Nathan Jameson, M. Ryan Corces, Jeffrey M. Granja, Xingqi Chen, Ceyda Coruh, Armen Abnousi, Jack Houston, Zhen Ye, Rong Hu, Miao Yu, Hoon Kim, Julie A. Law, Roel G. W. Verhaak, Ming Hu, Frank B. Furnari, Howard Y. Chang, Bing Ren, Vineet Bafna, Paul S. Mischel

Issue&Volume: 2019-11-20

Abstract: Oncogenes are commonly amplified on particles of extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) in cancer1,2, but our understanding of the structure of ecDNA and its effect on gene regulation is limited. Here, by integrating ultrastructural imaging, long-range optical mapping and computational analysis of whole-genome sequencing, we demonstrate the structure of circular ecDNA. Pan-cancer analyses reveal that oncogenes encoded on ecDNA are among the most highly expressed genes in the transcriptome of the tumours, linking increased copy number with high transcription levels. Quantitative assessment of the chromatin state reveals that although ecDNA is packaged into chromatin with intact domain structure, it lacks higher-order compaction that is typical of chromosomes and displays significantly enhanced chromatin accessibility. Furthermore, ecDNA is shown to have a significantly greater number of ultra-long-range interactions with active chromatin, which provides insight into how the structure of circular ecDNA affects oncogene function, and connects ecDNA biology with modern cancer genomics and epigenetics. Imaging and sequencing approaches are combined to show that extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) in cancer is circular and has unique chromatin structure that amplifies oncogene output.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1763-5


