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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/1 10:18:47




Title:In vitro culture of cynomolgus monkey embryos beyond early gastrulation
Author: Huaixiao Ma1,2,3,*, Jinglei Zhai1,3,4,*, Haifeng Wan1,3,*, Xiangxiang Jiang1,3,*, Xiaoxiao Wang1,3, Lin Wang2, Yunlong Xiang1, Xiechao He5, Zhen-Ao Zhao1, Bo Zhao2, Ping Zheng2,5,6,†, Lei Li1,3,4,†, Hongmei Wang1,3,4,†
Issue&Volume:31 Oct 2019
Abstract: Gastrulation is a key event in embryonic development when the germ layers are specified and the basic animal body plan is established. The complexities of primate gastrulation remain a mystery due to the difficulties in accessing primate embryos at this stage. Here, we report the establishment of an in vitro culture (IVC) system which supports the continuous development of cynomolgus monkey blastocysts beyond early gastrulation and to 20 days post fertilization. The IVC embryos highly recapitulated the key events of in vivo early post-implantation development, including segregation of the epiblast and hypoblast, formation of the amniotic and yolk sac cavities, appearance of the primordial germ cells, and establishment of the anterior-posterior axis. Single-cell RNA-seq analyses of the IVC primate embryos provide information about lineage specification during primate early post-implantation development. This system provides a platform to explore the characteristics and mechanisms of early post-implantation embryogenesis in primates with possible conservation of cell movements and lineages in human embryogenesis.

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2019/10/31/science.aax7890
